Earning Enhancing Schemes Sanjay Upreti PAM
Rolling Stock Assets Locomotives Diesel Electric Steam Total Wagons Coaches Passenger trains Passengers Freight 8520 daily 4833 Million per year Million Tonnes Earnings - Passenger Earnings – Freight Rs crores Rs crores
Some Statistics 89 % of freight is from 8 commodities. 60% of originating passengers are suburban in metros but contribute only 10 % of passenger earnings and 20% of PKMs. 13% are commuters in other cities and; 27% are long distance travelers. Upper class passengers consist of only 1% but contribute 20% of “P”earnings. 95% reservation is through 700 terminals of PRS. 99% of goods and 94 % of passenger revenue is on BG which accounts for 71% of total network.
The HDN or golden quadrilateral comprises 16% of the network carries 65% of freight and 55 % of passenger traffic.
to Loss of Business Share Cement from 57% to % Food grains from 16.4 to POL from 52.9 to Iron & Steel from 71.9 to Increase of Business Share Coal from 63.9 to Iron ore from 66.1 to Fertilizers from 66.6 to 74.17
Introduction Differentiate between Alternate sources of Finance Earning Enhancing Schemes Three Categories Freight Traffic Passenger Traffic Sundries
Passenger Traffic Schemes Long Trains. Increased to 24 but ultimate goal is 26. Loop can accommodate 26 Platform. Strength of screw Coupling. Composition of trains. Dynamic Pricing. Holiday Specials. Additional Coaches to clear WL. Leasing of SLR Parcel Trains
Freight traffic Schemes Station to station rates. Volume Discount Scheme. Roll on Roll off Con Raj Concept of Mini Rakes. Freight Forwarder Scheme. Marketing for non- bulk, non-bloc rake.
Station To Station Rates Under section 32 of IR Act 1989 special STS rates can be quoted by Railways. Up to 10% by GM with Finance concurrence, beyond that by RB. No reduction for goods of class 100 or below. Distance should be > 100km Not for Coal, Lignite etc. Not less than 78.5 % of fully distributed cost and not less than rate for class 100. Security deposit for committed loading.
Volume Discount Rates Started from 1998 Concept of Benchmark Discount if loading is more than 5% over Bench mark. Two Groups Cannot be given for loading that gets any other concession. Cluster booking.
Volume Discount Scheme Group IGroup II CommoditiesSugar, Iron, Steel, Sponge Iron etc. Dolomite, IronOre, Limestone, Gypsum etc. Upto 10%10%8% > 10%12%10%
Mini Rakes Train Load rates are less than wagon load. Jumbo rakes. 40 BCN/BCX 58 BOXN 48 BTPN 30 BOX Mini rake consists of 20 wagons of BCX Upto distance of 300 KMs
Sundries Schemes Leasing of space for advertisement. IRCTC. RAIL TEL. Land Use. 17,000 hectares. LDA is proposed to be setup.