Example Examples: Photon gas, an electromagnetic field in thermal equilibrium with its container To describe the state of the field, we need to know how many n are in each oscillator Photons are bosons n=0,1,2,3…..
Cont The average number of photons in a state j… Planck distribution
Monoatomic ideal gases
Monoatomic Gases =Bolztmann
Nuclear Contribution for nuclear states ~10 6 ev to populate an excited state, T>10 10 K we can consider only the ground state Nuclear partition function q nuclear For most chemical problems (not nuclear!), q nuclear is just a const.
Electronic Contribution Electronic partition function q electronic for electronic states, nm (Uv-Vis); 33000–15000 cm -1 ; 4–1.8 ev; 160 kT – 70 kT; 6.6x J – 3x J Most only ground state pop. T>10 4 K for pop. in excited state What is the degeneracy 1 of an electronic energy level?
Electronic degeneracy What is the degeneracy 1 of an electronic energy level? We have to go back to atomic electronic structure and Spectroscopic Term Symbols 2S+1 L j (for light atoms with RS S-L coupling) 1 =2 j +1
Fraction of population in excited states
Translation Contribution by level Translation partition function q translation A single particle translation energy is given by
Translation Contribution by state Translation partition function q translation
Q of ideal gas
A(N,V,T) for ideal monoatomic gas
for an ideal monoatomic gas Internal energy
for a monoatomic gas Pressure
S for a monoatomic gas Entropy S(N,V,T)
for a monoatomic ideal gas Chemical potential (T,P)