Creation of WMDFZ in the Middle East Creation of WMDFZ in the Middle East Remarks by Vladimir P. KOZIN Chief Adviser and the Head of the Director’s Advisers’ Group Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Member, Experts’ Group, Interagency Working Group on interrelationship with NATO on BMD, Presidential Administration Russian-Iranian Conference on Key Issues of Nuclear Security Moscow, 21 October 2013 © Vladimir Kozin
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE MIDEAST WMDFZ. KEY PARTICIPANTS: EGYPT ISRAEL SYRIA TURKEY IRAN P-5 INDIA PAKISTAN 2 SCOPE OF THE ME WMDFZ The entire Mid East, including Egypt, Israel, Syria, Iran as a must (1989 IAEA Technical Studies) + Turkey (as the US NW state free-fall nuclear bombs) © Vladimir Kozin. 2013
KEY PROVISIONS OF THE ME WMDFZ TREATY 4 1.IT HAS TO BE PROCLAIMED AS A NFZ: ISRAEL AND TURKEY SHOULD RENOUNCE ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON ITS SOIL. 2.IT SHOULD NOT PREVENT IRAN TO CONTINUE WITH PEACEFUL NUCLEAR PROGRAMME. 3. ALL REGIONAL STATES SHOULD SIGN AND RATIFY THE CTBT, CWC & BWC. 4. ALL REGINAL STATES SHOULD SIGN THE IAEA ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL. Resolution adopted by the 1991 IAEA General Conference should be implemented: application of full scope safeguards on all nuclear facilities plus delivery systems. 5. THERE SHOULD BE GUARANTOR STATES FROM ALL P-5 & INDIA AND PAKISTAN. 6. Delimitation of the zone has be based on the 1989 IAEA Technical Stuies + Turkey to be added in terms of a NFZ. 7. The WMDFZ Treaty should be verifiable. The RISS can offer its own blueprint for such a treaty (without substituting any official draft). © Vladimir Kozin. 2013