VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Strengthening the European Union Energy Security Prepared by Peter Líška (Slovak proposal) Brussels, 14th September 2009
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Analysis of options for exploitation of diverse energy sources for electricity production and heat supply for period of 10 to 20 years. Analysis of options for increase in reliability of production and transmission of electricity, improvement of collaboration in meeting requirements of the load diagram Collaboration in case of disturbances in transmission grid and in case of loss of large sources of electricity. Goals (1) Goals (1)
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Basic economical evaluation of exploitation of energy sources Basic economical evaluation of proposals for improvement of electricity transmission For period of 5 to 10 years: Assessment of feasibility of construction of new sources Assessment of feasibility of improvement in transmission grids Goals (2)
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Note The project is oriented only on the production and transmission of electricity (including production and transport of heat and combined electricity and heat production). The project does not include analyses and improvements on: the electricity and heat consumption side (such as energy saving, increase in efficiency on the consumption side), supply and consumption of heat for industrial purposes and energy consumption on the transport.
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Scope of project - Sources of energy (1) Elaboration of guidelines (methodology, criteria, procedures,...) for feasibility of various energy sources evaluation. Elaboration of feasibility study for various energy sources for electricity production and heat supply in accordance with this guidelines.
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Scope of project - Sources of energy (2) Analysis of potential exploitation of : Hydro energy Nuclear energy Coal Natural gas and oil Biomass Wind Solar energy Geothermal energy Energy form waste, etc.
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Scope of project - Sources of energy (3) Analyses will include: Theoretical options of various energy sources Practically exploitable capacities Time-dependent yield of energy sources Technical availability of energy sources Basic evaluation of the environmental impact (production of CO2, possibilities for processing and storing waste,...) Technical or economical limitations of utilization of sources
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Scope of project - Sources of energy (4) Analyses will take into account also ways of energy transformation up to now exploited only little or not at all, however sufficiently verified in the practice (e.g. utilization of hydrokinetic turbines, construction of fast reactors, new photovoltaic panels,...) Characteristics of diverse energy sources from the point of view of electricity transmission grid (operation in the power followed mode,...)
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Scope of project - Sources of energy (5) Scope of project - Sources of energy (5) Options of accumulation of strategy stockpiles of primary energy sources (natural gas, uranium, coal,...) Necessity of putting out of operation and decommissioning of present electricity and heat producing facilities (from the ecological, economical, etc. point of view), analyses of potential lifetime extension, power uprate, increasing of efficiency of electricity production, suggestions of operation optimization, etc. Proposals of international cooperation in exploitation of energy sources (hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass,...)
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Scope of project - Electricity transmission systems (1) Elaboration of guidelines for assessment of electricity transmission systems status and for assessment of operation proposals improvement. Analysis of transmission capacity of interconnection of transmission systems (control areas), proposals for new connections. Analysis of viable options of accumulation of electricity in pumping hydropower plants (present status, near future needs, potential international cooperation in their construction and exploitation,...), analysis of other feasible options of electricity accumulation (compressed air,...).
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Scope of project - Electricity transmission systems (2) Analysis of cooperation of transmission systems, proposals for improvement in the cooperation, improved communication, higher quality and safety of data transmission between different control areas. Suggestions for optimization of transmission systems control.
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Conclusion The first step : To elaborate the guidelines and pilot study for regional groups of countries The second step : To elaborate the study for the EU as a whole
VUJE, a. s., Okružná 5, Trnava Thank you for your attention