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Background Rib fractures are the most common thoracic injury Rib fractures are associated with an increase in hospital morbidity and mortality Pulmonary function can be compromised Pain control is critical in decreasing the pulmonary complications
Lidocaine 5% patch Mechanism Penetrates the skin Binds sodium channels Block influx sodium Reduce abnormal ectopic discharges produced by damaged nerves
Lidocaine Patch Use FDA Approval: Post herpetic neuralgia Other Studies: Back pain Headache Postoperative pain after lap ventral hernia repair Trauma patients with rib fractures
Hypothesis The lidocaine patch would reduce the amount of narcotic pain medication used by hospitalized traumatically injured patients with rib fractures.
Study Design Randomized, double blinded placebo controlled Level I evidence Setting Spectrum Health – Butterworth Hospital Jan 2007 – Aug 2008
Intervention Randomized trauma patients with rib fractures to receive either Lidocaine or placebo patch Data collected for 72 hours Age Sex Injury Severity Score History of asthma/COPD Mechanism of injury Number of rib fractures Chest tube placement History of tobacco use and current use
Patch Specifics 10 x 14 cm 5% lidocaine applied to non-woven polyester felt backing 700 mg lidocaine, 3 + 2% absorbed Mean blood concentration 0.13 µg/mL (1/10 of the therapeutic concentration for arrhythmias)
Outcome Variable Assessment 10 point pain scale administered by nursing Pain assessments were conducted per hospital protocol (each shift and prior to administering pain medication) IV and PO narcotic pain medications were analyzed independently Incidence of pulmonary complications Length of stay
Patients Inclusion Criteria Trauma patients with rib fracture on CT/Xray Age > 18 years of age Exclusion Criteria Inability to communicate a pain score Inability to use an incentive spirometer History lidocaine allergy Open wounds at the site of patch application
Primary Outcome Decrease narcotic use when use lidocaine patch after trauma injury with rib fracture
1278 Trauma admissions 495 Rib Fractures 58 Enrolled 33 Lidocaine25 Placebo
p = 0.88 Pain Assessment and Narcotic Utilization
Outcome comparison of Lidocaine and Placebo groups Lidocaine groupPlacebo group Total IV narcotics used (in mg morphine)* 23 (7, 102)26 (8, 59)P = 0.88 Total po narcotics used (in tabs Vicodin)* 4 (2, 10)7 (2.5, 14)P = 0.22 Pain score # P = 0.39 * Median (interquartile range) # Mean + SEM
Outcome comparison of Lidocaine and Placebo groups Lidocaine groupPlacebo group Pulmonary complications # 72.7% (24/33)72% (18/25)P = 0.95 Length of Stay # P = 0.28 # Mean + SEM* Median (interquartile range)
Pre-Injury Characteristics of Lidocaine and Placebo groups CharacteristicLidocaine group n = 33 Placebo group n = 25 Age* P = 0.31 Gender (% male)72.7% (24/33)76% (19/25)P = 0.78 History lung disease9.1% (3/33)20% (5/25)P = 0.27 History of smoking39.4% (13/33)24% (6/25)P = 0.22 Current smoker24.2% (8/33)20% (5/25)P = 0.70 * Mean + SEM
Mechanism of Injury
Injury Characteristics CharacteristicLidocaine group n = 33 Placebo group n = 25 Injury Severity Score* P = 0.74 AIS (chest) # 3 (3-4) P = 0.17 Number of ribs fractured* P = 0.50 Chest tube placed36.4% (12/33)24% (6/25)P = 0.31 * Mean + SEM # Median (interquartile range)
Lidocaine Patch in Trauma Patients Zink et al. Oregon Health & Science University. Presented at EAST. January 2009 Retrospective 29 patients each group Lidocaine 5% patch patients had decreased pain scores, but no difference in narcotic use Conclusion: Further prospective studies needed
Conclusions Lidocaine patches do not decrease narcotic pain medication use in hospitalized trauma patients with rib fractures No difference in pain scores pulmonary complications length of stay Should not be routinely used in multi-system trauma patients with rib fractures