.. Point 1: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected. Point was collected on the SE corner of a large concrete slab.
.. Point 2 is centered in the N/S road and along the north edge of the E/W road
.. Point 3: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected. Note: this is the hole used to load the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
. Point 4: Center line of the two roads.
Point 5: this point could not be located.
. Point 6: Located at utility pole which I can’t see well at this resolution.
.. Point 7: SE corner of the central square.
. Point 8: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected.
Point 9: Could not be located. We collected a GPS reading near point 9 and labeled it point 23.
. Point 10: NW corner of this ponding area.
.. Point 11: 1 meter west of the fence intersection. 1 m
. Point 12: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected. Current construction has changed this picture a bit.
Point 13: this point could not be accessed. It was down a road with a closed gate.
.. Point 14: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected. SE corner of the “N”.
. Point 15: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected.
.. Point 16: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected.
. Point 17.
. Point 18: this point was not closed properly so the (x,y) values are not differentially corrected. SW corner where the white patch meets the road.
. Point 19.
.. Point 20: NW corner of a square manhole.
. ?. Point 21: this point was differentially corrected but we aren’t sure if we were in the right spot. Perhaps overlay it with the imagery and that will indicate where its true position is. My guess is that we collected an intersection slightly to the north of this location. Hopefully it isn’t covered by clouds.
Point 22: this point is located north of point 6 where a road enters on the left (as you travel north). The point was collected at the end of some large piping which was being used as a guard-rail along the road. Point 6 was here Follow this road north to Point 22. VOA station with large antennas and buildings
. ?. Point 23: we couldn’t locate the desired spot so we took a reading somewhere near here. Fence lines and roads are a bit confusing on the photo. Hopefully you can identify the proper position by using our map in conjunction with an initial overlay of the point with the imagery.
. Point 24: This point is close to point 20, and was the first point we collected (along with pt20) in order to verify that everyone was up to speed on GPS data collection.. Apparently this test was not enough. Point 20 is here Pt 24