MOHA Annual Meeting December 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes
MOHA Annual Meeting, Dec 8, 2009 The Annual Meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM by the MOHA President, Vince DeSandro. Board Directors in attendance were Mary Ann Creque, Dave Parks and Steve Carmichall. Teresa Farris was absent (out of town). A total of 13 homeowners were in attendance with 8 homeowner proxies presented at the meeting for a total of 21 homeowners represented. The meeting agenda was outlined and the specific information presented follows herein. The proposed Budget for 2010 was approved by the homeowners in attendance. The current Board of Directors was unanimously re-elected and will represent the MOHA for The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
MOHA Annual Meeting Agenda – Call to order – Vince Desandro6:40 PM Review of open meeting/bylaws Accomplishments –Finance Report for 2009 – Dave Parks6:45 PM Presentation of 2010 proposed budget Vote on new budget –Maintenance/Arch. Control – Steve Carmichall7:00 PM –Vice-President Report – Mary Ann Creque7:10 PM Complaints, Fines, Qwest Status –Firewise Update and MOHA Survey Results – 7:20 PM Chris Tschan/Vince –Presentation of proposed officers- Vince7:45 PM Nominations from floor/Nominations received –Election of officers - Vince7:50 PM –Fire Department PresentationCancelled –Adjourn8:00 PM
MOHA 2009 Accomplishments –New MOHA website launched – –4 Newsletters sent to Homeowners –Retyping of Covenants and Bylaws for ease of reading and posting on web –MOHA Survey –3 mailboxes repaired –2 abandoned cars were removed from the MOHA after homeowner complaints –Insurance rates reviewed and negotiated –UMB Bank Fees dropped
MOHA 2009 Accomplishments –Due diligence on MOHA dues receipt and lien placed –Concrete Apron Repair quote received (City advised they are responsible!) Some repairs were made by the City subject to their funding availability –Fencing repair/painting bids for MOHA MOHA fence painted/repairs completed October 2009 –Rain gauges installed; watering limited to two-days/week –Due diligence on lawn maintenance complaints and actions taken –Visitor parking pass process for street parking initiated –Fine for common drive parking violations to covenants established
MOHA - Finances HOA membership approved increase of $50/year in dues at 2008 general meeting $24671 in HOA dues for 2009 –One homeowner in arrears (legal action in progress) 25% of membership were late in paying their annual dues
MOHA – Finance Summary YTD MOHA Finance summary Checking starting balance$ Savings$ HOA dues$ Misc income$ Expense$( ) Balance$ Checking$ Savings$
MOHA Water Usage In 2009 Colorado Springs Utilities increased water rates by 40% In response to the increase in water rates, the MOHA Board took aggressive steps to minimize the amount of water used for landscaping –Installed rain sensors (cost - $300) –Reduced number of watering days from 4 to 2 If 2008 water consumption and 2009 rates –Cost would have been $7000. –2009 HOA Board actions resulted in an overall savings of $3800.! Membership feedback?
MOHA Water Usage Cubic Feet
MOHA Water Usage $s * 2009 includes 40% rate increase
MOHA 2009 Budget
Financial Specifics Grounds Maintenance –Landscaping$ –Fence (repair/painting)$ –Misc (rain sensor,…)$ Miscellaneous –Federal/State tax$ –Legal$ –Postage$ –Fence repair (no cost to HOA)$ –Internet$ –Bank charge$ 26.13
2010 Proposed Budget
MOHA 2009 Maintenance/Architectural Control –Maintenance Common areas Fencing Snow removal – MOHA will adhere to “4- inch of snow” removal Landscaping/yard maintenance –8 architectural control requests received in 2009 Removal of fence, stucco application, deck enhancements, tree removal, landscaping NOTE: House painting, new roofs, decking, landscaping, expansion of driveways, tree removal and fencing requests MUST be approved by MOHA board
MOHA 2009 Complaints/Actions –Qwest. No DSL capability available at this time –Abandoned cars were removed by city. –No open fire pits allowed—high fire danger area. –Parking: Visitor Parking Pass for overnight guest parking. Common Drive Parking Fine of $25 per day –Snow removal of common drives and sidewalks. At 4 inches of snow accumulation –Animals. Homeowners of barking and loose dogs were notified.
MOHA 2009 FireWise Program FireWise activities for was MOHA’s second year of participation in FireWise CSFD performed free chipping service on 9/14 Increased in fuel removed and chipped over 2008 program Each year of participation an opportunity to reduce fire danger Can’t say enough about CSFD team…looking forward to 2010 Recommend more homeowners participate –CSFD requires a minimum of 12 homes CSFD made impressive progress in removing fuel in public area adjacent to MOHA…work should continue in 2010 Look for FireWise signs on fences at each end of MOHA community
MOHA 2009 Survey Results –Survey was sent out in May Purpose was to gather and aggregate individual homeowner insight positions on issues 43 homeowners responded…impressive participation: over 50% Full survey results will be provided at the end of this meeting
Top Level Summary of Survey Results 1.Historical — most homeowners have been in MOHA more than 10 years 2.Neighborhood appeal — most liked the neighborhood 3.Preferences — most looking for status quo 4.Covenants — most know about & understand the covenants 5.MOHA activity importance — maintain common areas, respond to complaints, keep dues low 6.Important covenant features — prohibit detractions from the neighborhood, retain property values, maintenance 7.Things to consider changing in covenants — area with most homeowner response variation…more specificity on parking, landscaping, etc 8.Exploratory areas — looking for closer to status quo
MOHA 2010 Board of Directors Elections –Nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member-at-Large (received prior to December 4, 2009) – positions served will be agreed to by the elected board: Vince DeSandro Mary Ann Creque Dave Parks Teresa Farris Steve Carmichall –Nominations from floor December 8 Election of officers (10% of MOHA constitutes a quorum)