Octobre MPI Munich FCAL Workshop in Munich W. Lohmann, DESY The 14 mrad X-angle, two IPs The push-pull option The next calendar dates Where we are with FCAL
Octobre MPI Munich The new IR scheme
Octobre MPI Munich Detector hall Beam Delivery for two IPs
Octobre MPI Munich accessible during run (rad worker) accessible during run (GERT) not accessible during run The push-pull option fence Platform for electronic and services (~10*8*8m). Shielded (~0.5m of concrete) from five sides. Moves with detector. Also provide vibration isolation.
Octobre MPI Munich The next calendar dates EUDET annual meeting Oct ECFA workshop, November 6-10 ACFA WS, Beijing, February 2007 We have to report about our results after the first year, and to write a report Draft (final) of the DCR (will be published end of 2006 together with the machine RDR) prepare ourselfs, FCAL meeting before? LCWS,Hamburg, June 2007
Octobre MPI Munich Where are we with FCAL -We worked out an advanced design for several crossing angles, 2, 20, 14 mrad; -this design is part of the LDC, (partly also for SiD, GLD) concepts -we got an encouraging statement by the PRC -we have new members and extended our scope – GamCal to analyse photons (welcome Bill Morse) -we founded a Collaboration -we are part of EUDET, EUROTEV However: many questions still not answered
Octobre MPI Munich Current design (Example LDC, 14 mrad): Luminometer BeamCal TPC ECAL HCAL -Background on LumiCal ? - Background in the inner Detector? Technology: Tungsten/Si (C) sandwich
Octobre MPI Munich A few topics to be thought Selection of Bhabha events: Energy selection cut At which energy this cut has to be put? -Theoretical uncertainty -Energy scale uncertainty
Octobre MPI Munich A few topics to be thought The Bhabha cross section depends on the polarisation How well is this understood? -higher order corrections - considered in the Monte Carlo
Octobre MPI Munich A few topics to be thought Electron detection efficiency: Algorithm relies on constant bunch charge Look on Dumping Rings How stable is this mechanism? -Bunch-to-bunch fluctuations (Contact to machine people )
Octobre MPI Munich Simulations Progress: -GEANT4 simulation of LumiCal, new geometry -4f background in LumiCal -Beam-diagnostics with GamCal, BeamCal Topics: - GamCal design - Reconstruction of Bhabha events from clusters - How influence radiative effects for a given detector the uncertainty of the measurement - Optimised segmentation/structure for LumiCal - Realistic readout scheme, - More realistic BeamCal simulation - Backscatterd background
Octobre MPI Munich Sensors and Readout Progress: -testbeam studies: performance as a function of the absobed dose, for the first time done up to a few MGy - Laser alignment - first experience with the Phy3 chip - First experience with GaAs, very soon large prototypes Topics: -continue studies of diamond sensors, GaAs -Si sensor studies (to learn to work with them). -Assembly of full sensor planes prototype test. -Readout electronics design for the prototype O(1000) channels. -Concept for the readout electronics -very critical issue !
Octobre MPI Munich This meeting at MPI -Reports on many topics mentioned -Discussions on ‘critical’ issues -More responsibilities to subgroups (simulation, electronics, sensors) -periodic reviews of milestones (PRC, EUDET) -conferences, LC notes, publications…
Octobre MPI Munich