PERSUADE! Nine Strategies for Getting What You Want
Creating a change in someone’s feelings, thoughts and behaviors Persuasion
Head Heart Hands H3
We do what we think will make us feel good WII-FM Feeling Good
“The essential rule when trying to convert someone is DON’T at least not at first just listen” Dennis Ross The Missing Peace Empathy
What do you need to know about the other person? Empathy
Character Competence Caring Confidence 1. Credibility
“I’d like to give more time and money, but...” 84% said they doubted their donation would be put to good use. USA Today Survey 1. Credibility
“If people anywhere are to willingly follow someone... They want to assure themselves that the person is worthy of their trust.” Kouzes & Posner 1. Credibility
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell 1. Credibility
“Motivation is getting people to do something out of mutual advantage. Manipulation is getting people to do what you want them to do primarily for your advantage.” Fred Smith 1. Credibility
Everybody is doing it Bandwagon Line experiment Pink ribbons Livestrong bracelets 2. Comparison
Relationships – Home-based sales parties Likability – Joe Gerard Attractiveness – Celebrity endorsements Similarity – Me too 3. Community
Foot in the door Start small Test drive Free trial offer Fence Marriage proposal 4. Commitment
5. Control Reactance Don’t tell me what to do Inoculation – Great nurses
Relevant Choose your audience You can’t persuade everyone 6. Connection
Simple Concrete Curse of knowledge 7. Clarity
Vivid – Paint a picture Detailed – Be specific Unexpected – Miller Time Story – Giving and statistics 8. Color
Reciprocity Go first Seek first to understand... It’s not about you 9. Christmas Cards
“In order to have influence, you must first be influenced.” Stephen Covey 9. Christmas Cards
“You can have everything you want in life if you only help enough other people to get what they want.” Zig Ziglar 9. Christmas Cards
InfluenceCialdini Made to StickHeath Blink / Tipping PointGladwell How to win friends... Carnegie Resources
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