Water Environment and Technology Urban Design for the City of Yarra (WETUD) BLACK WATER RECYCLING Prepared for the City of Yarra By Campbell Cole, Xuejiao Jing, Jennifer Lardner and Andrew Lyngcoln
1. Context This policy aims to support the following: City of Yarra’s commitment to sustainable water management (City of Yarra, 2006, p.12) City of Yarra Water Action Plan (2006) and the principles of the Water Sensitive Urban Design guidelines (2007): – Reducing council and community potable water consumption. – Replacing potable water with an alternative source. – Demonstrate positive change within the council to facilitate community action in water conservation.
Methods to reduce potable water consumption: Water saving device installation Behavioral & lifestyle change Recycling water This policy focuses on recycling ‘Black’ water by way of sewer mining technology installation as a means of reducing and replacing the reliance on potable water within the city of Yarra.
Why sewer mining? City of Yarra imports 14.6 GL of potable mains water annually GL of this exits the municipality via the sewerage system 95% of typical sewerage is water, 5% is solids. (City of Yarra,2007 p.22) Could be re-used for toilet flushing and irrigation purposes City of Yarra’s high density living – makes re-using ‘black’ water feasible – places stress on recreational areas City of Yarra’s parks and sporting grounds are the council’s highest consumer of potable water (City of Yarra, 2006)
2. Scope 2.1 – COUNCIL RUN FACILITIES– applies to the Richmond, Fitzroy and Collingwood offices and town halls, public toilets, sporting grounds, gymnasiums, public halls and parklands. 2.2 – PUBLIC HOUSING– applies to only one of the public housing towers, located in Collingwood, that has 200 dwellings and approx residents. 2.3 – LARGE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS– applies to all NEW developments comprising 10 or more residential dwellings or total floor area of > 100m 2
3. Objectives Overall Objectives: Reduce amount of potable water by 40% in council buildings and 25% for community use (from 2005 level) Utilise mined sewerage ‘black’ water as an alternative source of water for toilets & irrigation, without compromising sewer function or water quality. Maintain public parks and sporting grounds Reduce potable water use and maintain sporting grounds & parklands using black and grey water. Recognize and promote the value of sewer mining Recognize that sewer mining is an energy intensive process and utilize renewable energy sources.
Objectives 3.1 Council Run Facilities : Reduce the amount of potable water used in the council offices & buildings by 60%. Reduce the amount of potable water use in public toilets and maintaining sports grounds & parklands. Increase the useage of alternative water sources Promote recycling of water though public awareness
Objectives 3.2 Public Housing: Reduce residential potable water use in public housing towers. Investigate the feasibility of future sewer mining projects Create public awareness of water use and reuse
Objectives 3.3 Large Residential Developments: Reduce residential potable water usage. To use an alternative water source within the municipality, by promotion of sewer mining & other water recycling technology for new large residential developments.
The following programs will be developed, implemented, monitored and assessed by the Water extraction program officer in conjunction with the relevant council departments, under the guidance of Karl Shanley, Water programs officer for the City of Yarra. 4. Implementation
Implementation 4.1 Council Run Facilities: Feasibility study- using recycled water on parkland and public space One public toilet that will operate using 100% recycled water to be retrofitted annually. Install sewer mining technology into three main council office buildings- toilet flushing All existing public toilets to be retrofitted with water sensitive features Devices to be accompanied by informative signage
4.2 Public Housing: Undertake a feasibility study & pilot project installation of sewer mining system into ONE existing public housing tower in Collingwood. - To be done in consultation with, and obtain relevant approval from: - Department of Human Services - Department of Sustainability & Environment - Department of Treasury - Environment Protection Authority - Melbourne Water - City of Yarra Building & Planning - City of Yarra Environmental Department - Sewer Mining technology consultant Implementation
4.3 Large Residential Developments: Revise current amendment ‘C117 Storm Water Management – Water Sensitive Urban Design’ - To include a requirement for water recycling technology to be installed in large residential developments - Collaborate w/ Strategic Planning division. - Revise sections , , Implementation
Compliance with EPA quality guidelines Revise Sustainability Management Plan to emphasise the use of sewer mining black water recycling (Sustainable Building Practices in the ESD guidelines). Prepare a report on the progress of ‘Inkerman Oasis’ in the City of Port Phillip, and the demographics of City of Yarra in order to promote WSUD to developers & residents. - in consultation with Inner Melbourne Action Plan Conduct a feasibility study on purchasing recycled water from private buildings for use in nearby parklands, sporting grounds etc.. Implement further action in line with this policy Implementation
5. Monitoring Monitoring is to be overseen by the City of Yarra Water Programs Officer. Collected data to be written clearly and accessable to the public. Record amount of sewerage water output Record potable water usage per sector Record amount of renewable/ non-renewable energy used in the sewer mining operation Public opinion survey- perceived health risks, environmental and social concerns etc.
Monitoring 5.1 Council Run Facilities: Record amount of potable water use and sewerage from the Richmond, Collingwood and Fitzroy town halls per quarter
5.2 Public Housing: City of Yarra Water Programs Officer to monitor the feasibility study for a pilot project (EPA, MW, DHS, DSE) City of Yarra Water Programs Officer to monitor and approve tender process (MW, DHS, DSE, EPA) Melb. Water and C.O.Y planning division to monitor the installation of the pilot project. EPA & Melb. Water to monitor recycled black water quality. On a quarterly basis. Melb Water provide potable water consumption data & water export data. EPA & DSE to monitor carbon emissions produced quarterly C.O.Y health services & DHS to monitor resident & public health during the project. Monitoring
5.3 Large Residential Developments Number of planning applications received Number of water recycling systems installed Amount of potable water used per person WHERE the recycling systems have been installed Quality of recycled water. Monitoring
6. Evaluation and Assessment To be undertaken every 2 years by an external consultant To be amended in consultation with stakeholders to meet intended objectives. 6.1 Council Run Facilities Are council water targets being met? Comparison of potable water use before and after sewer mine installation Comparison of potable water use to maintain parks and gardens before and after recycled water use commenced. Water quality to meet EPA guidelines
6.2Public Housing Pilot Project report after 2 years of operation by C.O.Y Water Projects Officer presented to DHS & DSE for further evaluation and recommendation implementation. The report will cover: Comparison of potable water used before & after installation Comparison of total potable water exported before & after installation Comparison of water quality of the recycled water vs. potable water and any health implications. Evaluation of carbon emissions generated directly from the project, in order to determine if the water saved will offset emissions produced. Social effects & attitudes of residents. Results of health monitoring program. Any other factors that may arise. Evaluation and Assessment
6.3 Large Residential Developments: This policy and amendments to evaluated every 2 years by an external consultant Compare water usage per person in buildings WITH recycling systems to those WITHOUT, and with the average water use per person in the municipality. Compare water quality to EPA guidelines. Evaluation and Assessment
References City of Yarra (2006), Water Action Plan, City of Yarra, accessed on 8 April 2011 from City of Yarra (2007), Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Guiding principals, City of Yarra and Melbourne Water, accessed on 11 April 2011 from Environment Protection Authority Victoria, (2003) Guidelines for Environmental Management: Use of Reclaimed Water, accessed on 1 st April 2011 from City of Yarra (2011), ‘Grey water re-use’, City of Yarra, accessed on 8 th May 2011 from Logan, I (2008), Barriers and Drivers of New Public-Private Infrastructure: Sewer Mining-a Case Study, Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology, accessed on 1 st May 2011 from Municipal Association of Victoria (2004), Securing Our Water Future Together, accessed on 2 nd May 2011 from Sydney Water (2008), How To Establish a Sewer Mining Operation, accessed on 28 th April 2011 from Sydney Water (2008), Sewer Mining Policy, accessed on 28 th April 2011 from Victoria Government Department of Sustainability and Environment (2005), Our Environment, Our Future: Victorian Environmental Sustainability Framework, accessed on 13 th April 2011 from Victoria Government Department of Sustainability and Environment (2005), Progress Towards Securing Our Water Future, accessed on the 27 th March 2011 from Victoria Government Department of Sustainability and Environment (2007), Our Water, Our Future: The Next Stage of the Governments Water Plan, accessed on the 27 th March 2011 from Victoria Government Department of Human Services (2008), Environment Policy, accessed on 1 April 2011 from Victoria Government Department of Human Services (2009), Housing Victoria Sustainability Water Projects accessed on 1 April 2011 from projects/environmental-sustainability