TS Workshop, Archamps, May 24 – May 26, 2005 The LHC Access System Status report – May 2005 P. Ninin & the Access project team TS/CSE
2 Agenda Project overview Architecture Organisation Challenges Conclusion
3 LHC sites access LHC buildings access LHC experimental services areas access * ACCESSIBLE during beam operation the LHC accelerator and experiment Access Service Access Tunnel Access Experiment NON ACCESSIBLE during beam operation
4 Scope LHC Access Control System LACS Off-the-shelf Access Equipement LHC Access Safety System LASS Interlock System Beam => No Access Access => No Beam Integrated concept for LHC Machine & Experiments to protect people against the LHC radiation hazards.
5 LHC Access Control System Goals: –Manage access rights –Identify user –Verify authorization –Automatic or remote access control Status: –Contract running since September 04 –System engineering completed –Factory Acceptance Test (Cegelec Marseille) May 05 –Site acceptance of the pilot installation “LHC 0” - June 2005 –Organisation of the LHC 8 installation – October 2005 –Organisation of the LHC tunnel doors/grids installation Done by TS/IC
6 LHC Access Safety System Goals: –Protect personnel during Beam operation nobody inside - Stop LHC if a door is forced –Allow Access operation when safety conditions are met No radiation hazards (LHC beam, RF). –Distributed, highly reliable interlock system Strictly designed according to the prescription of the IEC To be demonstrated to the French Nuclear Authority INB Status: –HW and SW Architecture prototyping (Siemens Safety Matrix). –Good progress on the : Project documentation Cabling Safety studies. –Identification of the LHC machine elements that will be interlocked is completed –Tender for the system realisation, installation and commissioning.
7 Project Organisation
9 Operational Dosimeter Integration N. Rama
11 Man Machine Interface M. Munoz, L. Hammouti, G. Roy
13 LHC Elements interlocked
14 Integration & InstallationSafetyLASSLACS Access Safety Specification Access Safety Architecture Design INB AIWG Safety Plan LHC Sectorisation & Integration Review Access Control Tendering Preliminary Risk Analysis Contract Access Safety realisation Access Control Specification LHC Access System Principles (AIWG) Access Pilot Installation LHC0 Safety Function Specification Preliminary Safety Study (Architecture) Cabling Definition Access Control Design Access Safety Tendering Contract Installation preparation
15 Installation phases InstallationHW commissioningMachine checkoutBeam operation Surface Access Control Installation + CCC + Wherever possible Underground Access Control Limit the constraint of transport Access Safety validation LHC Access Commissioned INB Tests Access Safety Provisional installation RF Tests Injection Tests
16 Open issue/Challenges Experiments –Further investigation required Pilot installation: –Integration of the numerous technologies involved –Validation of the system by the users Safety validation of the global architecture –To ensure that the safety requirements (INB) are met Finish the integration (1,2,3,4,5,6) and organise the installation Cabling –Strategy and LHC point 8 are OK, –Specify the cabling architecture for the remaining LHC points Review and Optimise the full CERN Access « process » –Training, authorizations
17 Conclusion Architecture of the LHC Access System is now designed, and is checked to verify that it meets the safety requirements of the LHC operation and the IEC A pilot installation will be tested in the summer 2005 to validate the concept with the users as well as the integration and performance of the numerous sub-systems. The specification of the LHC Access Safety side is completed, the hardware and software architecture has been studied, progressing on the prototype. A call for tender has been launched to cope with the LASS programming and installation. The identification of the machine elements that will be interlocked is completed. Despite the difficulty encountered for the system specification, for the time being: –In line with LHC planning
18 Thanks to the LHC Access project Collaborators: T. Pettersson L. Scibile J.-F. Juget S. Di Luca T. Riesco N. Rama S. Grau M. Munoz M. Boffard E. Sanchez-Corral Mena T. Ladzinski G. Smith A. Day D. Swoboda F. Rodriguez Mateos G. Roy With the help of : CEGELEC – SCHNEIDER - SIEMENS
19 Access Equipment Integration S. Di Luca/ EDMS