87 th International Conference SIEC-ISBE “Education for Business Sustainability” Krakow, July 27-31, 2015 “ Best educational practices from the Arctic Circle implemented through the Twinning project towards the South “ CASE example of the 3 nd Component: To design and elaborate a Management Development Framework (MDF) for Modern Productivity and Vocational Training Department (PVTD) in Egypt Hely Westerholm, PhD (Econ.), MBA DACUM Finland, Managing Director Helsinki Business College, Emerita Director (Finance, HR, Marketing)
1. Introduction to the topic Development and co-operation project with Omnia, the Joint Authority in Education in the Espoo Region of Finland to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Productivity and Vocational Training Department (PVTD) within the Vocational Training System in Egypt Best educational practices from Finland were implemented through the European Union (EU) Twinning project in Egypt. Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
Krakow, July , 2015
1. Introduction to the topic… Twinning project is a learning process that includes sharing and exchange of knowledge and knowhow through collaboration, in a development partnership with VET organizations from the EU. Twinning project was implemented by a Finnish team of experts from over 12 organizations together with PVTD, an organization under the Ministry of Industry, being the local partner in Egypt Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
. Introduction to the topic… The main goals of the project were to contribute to the support of PVTD in enhancing its capacities related to the management and marketing of vocational and educational training (VET), in line with the pertinent Egypt’s national priorities, and in line with the EU Acquis and international best practices. The project focused on four components: Legal and regulatory Organization and management Capacity building Marketing and community awareness & partnership with the private sector Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
CASE example: To design and elaborate a Management Development Framework (MDF) of the Modern PVTD. The final version of the Modern PVTD MDF was defined to integrate the Management by Objectives (MBO), Change Management (CM) and Quality Management (QM) for quality and efficiency of the organization. As a tool for delegating power and responsibility the new job descriptions represent the concrete change of a person’s own work. Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
The modern PVTD VisionPVTD become the leader of VET in Egypt and Middle East. Mission Prepare skilled technical workers locally and regionally to improve productivity of industrial companies and contribute to reducing unemployment problem ValuesQuality – Development & growth – Transparency – Professionalism & responsibility – Cooperation & Competitiveness Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
CASE example… Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
Ashgabad, June 11 – 13, 2015
The CAF Model (Common Assessment Framework) The CAF model ( Compare EQFM ) has been benchmarked in the Management Development Framework (MDF) of the Modern PVTD. It looks at the organization from different angles at the same time and form the holistic approach to organization performance analysis. The CAF underlines the importance for the management of an organization, of compliance with a series of values assumed as necessarily: legality, transparency, equity, respect for diversity and rejection of conflicts of interest. Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
ENABLERS RESULTS 1. Leadership 2. Strategy & Planning 3. People 4.Partnerships & Resources 5. Processes 7.People results 6.Citizen/Custo- mer-oriented Results 8.Social Responsibility Results 9. Key Per- formance Results INNOVATION AND LEARNING 1) The CAF Model 14
All PVTD participants’ common understanding As a good example of all participants’ common understanding of the New PVTD MDF one individual proposal integrated both Change Management and Quality Management including personal job description as a process to the MBO Framework. Only this kind of independent action can result in the final action in the whole organization: Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
JobDescription(JD) Management by objectives (MBO) QualityManagement(QM) ChangeManagement(CM) Management Development Framework to achieve PVTD Vision
Common understanding… c Ashgabad, June 11 – 13, 2015 Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
Implementation of the Modern PVTD MDF For implementation of the Modern PVTD MDF it was designed a pyramid where every level resembles a certain management level. It integrates the MDF and job descriptions as well as the structure of the new organization chart. When defining the tasks of each management level two critical issues have to be taken into account: an action plan which is limited by the budget. Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
Implementation of the Modern PVTD MDF… Ashgabad, June 11 – 13, 2015
Conclusions When overviewing the results achieved from the original Twinning Contract's point of you the Design and Elaboration of the MDF were defined and proposed for the final decision process. The Modern PVTD’s New MDF ensure to establish and deliver effective links and partnerships between PVTD and its training centers with the key public and private stakeholders and formalizing the processes of collaboration in a structured framework. It’s obvious that within the PVTD there is a strongly demand for discussion, dialogue and open collaboration to renew the organizational culture. Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
Conclusions To increase the quality and efficiency in the New MDF of the PVTD it consists of identifying and setting priorities for necessary changes regarding the structure, performance and management of the PVTD organization. Accordingly, the New MDF causes a renewal of the power culture. Executives are in charge of the strategic leading of the organization and the middle management is in charge of the operational execution. Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
Impact The state of will for change among all the project participants has been so strong and genuine that the Twinning project may have a bigger challenge than expected. There is a strong need to get the final commitment from all partners to achieve sustainable implementation of the Project outcomes for continuous development. Krakow, July 27-31, 2015
* Thank you for your attention! Krakow, July 27-31, 2015