Europe and Beyond... LSE-Demos Capstone Project, Presentation 31 March 2008
Outline I.Methodology and Main Results II.From Europe to Latin America III. Conclusions and Recommendations
The LSE Index
I. Methodology and Main Results Project objectives: Evaluate Demos index and provide recommendations for expanding it to Latin America Our approach Attempt to replicate Demos index Conceptual suggestions Apply alternative methods Results Index is robust For extending index, conceptual and measurement issues to be addressed
Methodological Note Standardisation - Demos approach: Rescaling - Distance from the Mean (Normalisation) - Distance from Theoretical Maximum (DTM) Aggregation - Adding all indicators/dimensions (“or”) - Multiplying all indicators/dimensions (“and”) - Multi-add (“both”) Weighting - Principal Components Analysis (PCA): LSE structure - PCA – Clustering Dimensions
II. Demos Method: EU LSE Everyday Democracy Index (Rescaling/Adding/equal weights)
Demos Method: LA LSE Everyday Democracy Index (Rescaling/Adding/Equal weights)
Distance from Theoret. Max.: EU LSE Everyday Democracy Index (DTM/Adding/Equal weights)
Institutions vs. Everyday: EU LSE Everyday Democracy Index (DTM/Multi-add/Equal weights)
Institutions: EU Institutional aspects Everyday aspects Germany Denmark Austria UK Slovenia Italy Poland
LSE Everyday Democracy Index (Deviation from mean/Adding/PCA) Homogeneity of the EU
Institutions vs. Everyday: LA Prototype Everyday Democracy Index (DTM/Multi-add/Equal Weights)
Institutions: LA Institutional aspects Everyday aspects Uruguay Costa Rica Guatemala Colombia Argentina Peru
Heterogeneity of LA Prototype Everyday Democracy Index (Deviation from mean/Adding/Equal weights)
III. Conclusions and Recommendations Choice of methodology has implications for the comparability and underlying concept Robustness checks confirmed LSE index results – EU is relatively homogenous Amendments to Demos index facilitate expansion to Latin America
High correlation with traditional indices could imply that either In EU context, “everyday” is not measuring something different from institutions, Homogeneity of the EU countries, or The data being used is not capturing “everyday” properly Demos survey Things to Consider