Democracy and Human Rights Sydney J, Ashley H, and Jordan S
Democracy A form of gov’t in which citizens rule themselves either directly or through elected representatives U.S. promotes democracy in other countries. # of democratic gov’ts increased from 41%-62% from
Advantages of Democracy More stable than dictatorships – Elected leaders share people’s values and permit individual liberties – Not imperialistic-respect the national borders of other countries Free-market economies-controlled primarily by forces of supply and demand rather than by gov’t officials
Human Rights Every individual’s birthright regardless of culture, religion, or gov’t 4 categories 1. Rights that protect people’s security – Protection from genocide; slavery; torture; cruel, degrading, or inhumane punishment; arbitrary arrest of imprisonment; denial of a fair trial; and invasion of their homes
Human Rights 2. Ability to secure basic human needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and health care 3. Civil and political liberties, including freedom of speech, press, and association, and the freedom of movement within, to, and from a person’s country 4. Freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethic origin, religion, social status, and gender.
Policy Solutions Democracy and Human Rights must go hand in hand U.S. tries to promote both in foreign countries – Since repression and extreme poverty can breed terrorists, the Bush administration began to focus on promoting human rights abroad, particularly in the Middle East – U.S. stability will be enhanced if more countries grant citizens greater rights and freedoms
Cooperation Proponents suggest that the U.S. form a coalition of democratic nations (now 60% of UN members) – Alliance can reshape the UN and use its legitimacy to promote democracy and human rights, as well as to fight terrorism
Role of President, State, and Congress All work to promote democracy and human rights Bush works to promote both in Iraq State works to educate youth about importance Congress makes laws to promote both
Agree? We think it’s best to work to promote Democracy and Human Rights overseas because it will make our rights more secure as well as those in other parts of the world. It will work to promote a safer and happier place for everyone
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