Justice is an expression of Christian love
Justice is based on the distribution of goods and the equality of all citizens. Justice is also a virtue that gives each person what they are due Justice in the courts is only one form of justice (called judicial justice) Our world needs justice – there is so much that is not fair (poverty, gender inequality, unemployment, ageism, racism, access to health care)
These rights were established in 1948 by the United Nations: Examples are right to education, right to freedom of conscience. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms outlines how the UN Charter applies in Canada. Rights – things in society to which we are entitled
Western society is largely based on competition An example of this is capitalism and individualism In this type of system, there is no limit placed on what a person can acquire – and our Church teaches that this is unacceptable. Social justice is seen as including 2 parts: ◦ The fair distribution of goods ◦ The fair distribution of opportunity.
Jesus said that riches can be an obstacle to living a moral life. In your small group, discuss examples of this (either from our culture or ones that you have created) A very important teaching of Christianity is the preferential option for the poor. How and why Catholics care about people living in poverty sh0
Read each passage from the Bible, summarize and answer the questions. Read Matthew 25: (The Last Judgment) Can we love God without loving even “the least” of the people we encounter? Explain. How is this reading challenging? How is it comforting? Read Luke 12: (The Rich Fool) What is this parable trying to teach us? How could we apply this teaching to our lives today? Read Luke 21: 1-4 (The Widow’s Offering) What is generosity? Read Matthew 6: 19-21, 24 (Concerning Treasures and Wealth) What does Matthew mean by “where you treasure is, there your heart will be also”? Can a person be wealthy and serve God? Explain, using real-life examples
Justice needs to be established for all, but especially considering those who suffer. What does each group do to create/encourage justice in the world? Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Sisters of Life
Jean Vanier was born in 1928 to Canadian parents in Switzerland. He studied and taught philosophy in university. In 1964, he founded L’Arche communities – now present in 40 countries worldwide. It started as a program for developmentally disabled adults, but has changed to meet other needs (e.g. aging, end of life care). offers day programs, help for caregivers, info. L'Arche - Jean Vanier, “Seeing God in Others”
1. All humans are sacred, regardless of: Culture, race, religion gender capacity or incapacity strengths or weaknesses …and each of us needs help to become all we can be
2. Our world and our lives are in the process of evolving. We need to love the values of the past and reflect on how they are to be lived now. These values include forgiveness, openness, love, wholeness, unity, peace.
3. Maturity comes through working with others We can do this through dialogue, belonging and a searching together. We need each other! 4. Human beings need to be encouraged to make choices, and to become responsible for their own lives and for the lives of others.
5. In order to make such choices, we need to reflect and to seek truth and meaning. To be human means to be connected to others. We need to accept ourselves just as we are, and others as they are. We are not perfect – it’s a journey we are on together.