Working Towards a Gender Aware Education Cluster for the Pacific Region
Why Education in Emergencies The Global and Pacific Education Cluster Key Gender Issues and the Cluster’s Response Current Support Available Strengthening Cluster Effectiveness Presentation Overview
Education Protects * protection from bodily harm * lifesaving information on dangers, messaging on health and hygiene * reduce the effects of trauma and offers normality, structure and hope Education as an Enabling Right * gaining knowledge and skills permits the exercise of other rights. Education as an Opportunity to Build Back Better * critical ingredient in reconstruction * promote respect for human rights, conflict resolution * increase children’s earning potential resulting in healthier families and improved ability to break out of poverty cycle Why Education in Emergencies?
Global Education Cluster Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies Global Education Cluster 2006 SPHERE Companionship Agreement 2008 UNGA Resolution- Education in Emergencies 2009
Education Cluster Framework in the Pacific Pacific Education Cluster formed in 2009, co-led by UNICEF Pacific and Save the Children Australia Membership is comprised of national Education Cluster representatives and regional partners Annual meetings held to discuss common challenges, draft template preparedness/response tools and disseminate best practice and lessons learned Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu- National Education Clusters, chaired by Ministries of Education and with Education Partner Group members
Key Achievements to Date TOR/Ways of Working for the National and Regional Clusters Post-Disaster Rapid Assessment Tool template Dedicated Ministry staffing to Emergency Preparedness and Response Education in Emergency and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies Relevant, efficient supplies
Community beliefs and practices Economic barriers Infrastructure barriers Policy barriers Educational barriers Key Gender Issues
A need to consider boys’ particular needs Work with ECE sub-sector which engages far more systematically with women Revisiting Supplies (disability and gender) Consideration for separate latrines in schools (Evacuation Centres, Reconstruction) Reaching out to mothers beyond SMC’s Improving disaggregated data systems (EMIS) Rapid Assessment: infrastructural vs social Addressing the Challenges…
Minimum Standards: The 5 Domains
- INEE Pocket Guide to Gender - Minimum Standards for Education Current Support / Guidance - UN Resolution (The Right to Education in Emergency Situations: Article 12 ++) - IASC Gender Marker: Education Tip Sheet