Helix Nebula- The Science Cloud First Review Bob Jones - CERN 03 July This document produced by Members of the Helix Nebula Partners and Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at The Helix Nebula project is co-funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under Grant Agreement no
Review agenda 2 09: :00 Project Overview and Management (WP1) 10: :10 Q/A Closed session Feedback from reviewers 10: :25 WP2: Engagement and Dissemination 10: :35 Q/A 10: :50 WP3: Representation of Requirements 10: :00 Q/A 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break 11: :45 WP4: Cloud Platform & Provisioning 11: :55 Q/A 11: :25 WP5: Flagship Deployment 12: :35 Q/A 12: :55 WP6: Inter-operability with e- infrastructures 12: :05 Q/A 13: :00 Lunch 14: :30 WP7: Business Models 14: :40 Q/A 14: :55 WP8: Governance Models 14: :05 15: :35 Summary and Plans for the next period 15: :45 Q/A
Project overview: Objectives Consortium Work Packages Management Deliverables/milestones Financial status Effort consumption 3
A European cloud computing partnership: big science teams up with big business Strategic Plan Establish multi-tenant, multi-provider cloud infrastructure Identify and adopt policies for trust, security and privacy Create governance structure Define funding schemes Strategic Plan Establish multi-tenant, multi-provider cloud infrastructure Identify and adopt policies for trust, security and privacy Create governance structure Define funding schemes To support the computing capacity needs for the ATLAS experiment Setting up a new service to simplify analysis of large genomes, for a deeper insight into evolution and biodiversity To create an Earth Observation platform, focusing on earthquake and volcano research Adopters 4
Overall Objectives The Helix Nebula project is a preliminary step towards a European cloud- based scientific e-infrastructure 1. A platform capable of development through PPP into a scalable science cloud; 2. A flexible governance structure capable of growing alongside the infrastructure itself; 3. Representations of functional and non‐functional requirements including policies for trust, security and privacy; 4. Agreements regarding inter‐operability with other, existing, e‐infrastructures; 5. Three flagships based at CERN, EMBL and ESA (represented by CNR), selected as ‘stretch’ targets highlighting extreme cases of the requirements of the ERA and space agencies; 6. Sustainable business models adhering to and supporting European‐level policies; 7. A roadmap and development plan for addressing issues on the road to
Work Packages 6
WP1: Management & Coordination (CERN) WP2: Engagement and Dissemination (Cloud Security Alliance) WP3: Representation of Requirements (CloudSigma) WP4: Cloud Platform & Provisioning (Atos) WP5: Flagship Deployment (Logica) WP6: Inter-operability with e-infrastructures (EGI.eu) WP7: Business Models (SAP) WP8: Governance Models (T-Systems) WP9 (starts M16): Evaluation Roadmap and Development Plan (EMBL) Duration: 2 years Start Date: 01 June 2012 EC co-funding: 1.8 Million € Total budget: ~2.9 Million € Total effort: 202 person months 7 Proportion of effort by work package
Relationships between work packages WP1 - Coordination WP2 – Engagement and Dissemination 8
Consortium 9
EC Project Beneficiaries 10 beneficiaries within a wider initiative of partners The Helix Nebula Initiative has grown from 20 partners at the start of the EC project in June 2012 to 34 members in June 2013 The overall initiative: 15 Suppliers 13 Adopters 8 Users The EC project Beneficiaries: Suppliers: 7 Users: 3 10
Members of the Helix Nebula Initiative #OrganisationEntry RoleDate 16InterouteSupplierFeb 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 15CloudsigmaSupplierFeb 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 14T-SystemsSupplierFeb 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 13EGI.euSupplierFeb 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 12AtosSupplierFeb CapgeminiAdopterFeb Universidad MadridAdopterFeb SixsqSupplierFeb The Servers LabsSupplierFeb TerradueSupplierFeb 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 6LogicaSupplierFeb ThalesAdopterFeb Orange Business ServicesAdopterFeb ESAUserFeb 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 2EMBLUserFeb 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 1CERNUserFeb 2012
Members of the Helix Nebula Initiative (cont.) #OrganisationRoleEntry Date 34VisioterraSupplierMarch SWITCHSupplierJan UNESCOAdopter/Candidate Use CaseJan CNRSAdopterDec Trinity College, DublinAdopterDec IFREMERAdopterDec Emergence Tech LtdAdopterDec ECMWFAdopter/Candidate Use CaseDec AW Software und Technologie GmbH (AWST) AdopterNov DANTESupplierOct NextworksAdopterSept 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 23CNR-IREAUserJun CNESUserJun DLRUserJun Trust ITAdopterApril 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 19CSA EMEASupplierApril 2012 EC Project Beneficiary 18SAPSupplierFeb TelefonicaAdopterFeb2012
Management 13
Management Structure Weekly management team teleconferences chaired by CERN (41 in period 1): Attended by 3 suppliers + 3 demand side representatives + 1 invited Collaboration Board Meetings chaired by EMBL: 06 July 2012, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 18 January 2013, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy Signed on Published on Amended on Signed by all parties in November 2012
Management Tasks The pre-financing was distributed in two installments to avoid overspending of funds without achievement of tasks Successful launch of a dry-run of the financial reporting process covering the first 7 months of the project in order to: identify any missing information and issues that could arise Monitor the resource consumption during the first half of the period Review of progress and plans at the General Assemblies The open repository for all Helix Nebula documents on the CERN Document System (CDS) The contents of the communication tools (website Facebook, Twitter) approved by Mgmt Team. Website hosted by CloudSigma (at no cost to project) The AlfrescoShare Entreprise collaboration tool to share documents within the inititiative/project provided by EMBL (at no cost to project) The 21 lists (hosted EGI.eu and CERN at no cost to project) 15
Quality Assurance: Review Process Review procedure documented as Annex 7 of the Consortium Agreement: All first period deliverables submitted All milestones achieved and documented Work Package Internal Review Consortium Review Management Team Review Publication EU Review Helix Nebula Deliverable Formal Review 16
Grant Agreement Amendment: Electronic-only transmission and signatures Use of the electronic-only signature and transmission of financial statements and electronic-only transmission of certificates for all future financial statements (Forms C) and certificates (Forms D and E) Modification of Annex I – Description of Work Annex I – Description of Work is modified The revised Table A3 (budget breakdown) and WT8 (project effort and what it costs) of Annex 1, dated 10 April 2013 have been modified to modify the cost of personnel for beneficiary CNR according to the funding scheme: 6 PM funded and 5 unfunded. 17
Deliverables – Period 1 Del. no NameWP no. Lead beneficiary NatureDissem. level Delivery date from Annex I (proj/ month) Actual / Forecast delivery date Status D2.1Communication Plan2CSAReportPUM305/09/2012Submitted D3.1Requirements Definition Template3CloudSigmaReportPUM111/10/2012Submitted D3.2Consolidated User and Service Requirements Report 3CloudSigmaReportPUM321/12/2012Submitted D7.1Analysis of the existing business processes for the procurement of IT infrastructure services 7SAPReportPUM819/03/2013Submitted D4.1Access to the Services Defined for WP5 4AtosOtherREM603/03/2012Submitted D4.2Cloud Provisioning: Case histories of decisions taken 4AtosReportPUM1030/05/2013Submitted D6.1 Interoperability Requirements Report6Egi.euReportPUM12 21/05/2013 Submitted D5.1 Evaluation of initial flagship deployments 5 Logica ReportPUM13 19/06/2013 Submitted D4.3 Cloud Provisioning report4AtosOtherRE M12 26/06/2013 Submitted D1.1Project Periodic Report1CERNReportPUM1219/06/2013Submitted D3.3 Finalised User and Service Requirement Report 3CloudSigmaReportPUM1221/06/2013Submitted 18
Milestones N°NameWP no.Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I (proj month) Achieved Yes/No Actual / Forecast delivery date MS1Summary of the First General Assembly1CERNM3YES31/08/2012 MS7Requirement Analysis Findings (D3.1) presented at GA1 meeting 3CloudSigmaM3YES19/09/2012 MS8Kick-off workshop to defined procedures and way of working 4AtosM1YES12/10/2012 MS14Kick-off meeting engaging public and commercial resource providers 6EGI.euM3YES12/10/2012 MS5Short-term Delivery-planning is ready2CSAM6YES11/12/2012 MS9 Supplier workshop to validate inputs and service matching as part of GA1 4AtosM3YES18/12/2012 MS2Summary of the Second General Assembly1CERNM9YES12/02/2013 MS15Technical Workshop6EGI.euM9YES07/03/2013 MS10 Workshop to gather learnings and improvement opportunities 4AtosM8YES11/03/2013 MS18Governance Model workshop documented8T-SystemsM9YES12/03/2013 MS11 Documented Criteria and Metrics against which the Deployment will be evaluated 5 Logica Germany M9YES02/04/2013 MS6Communication Plan is ready for use2CSA EMEAM12YES19/06/
Financial Status 20
Resources and Funding The Helix Nebula pilot phase rests on financial support from: Co-funding by the EC Significant contribution from members of the overall initiative that are not beneficiaries of the project: ESA and CNES (220 k – 1.7 FTE for 9 months) SMEs: SixSquare, Terradue, TheServerLabs involved in TechArch and ServArch Dante & NRENs: Effort to connect supplier data centres to GEANT Users’ contribution (First year flagship deployments) to: The cost of the resources consumed (flat-rate of 420 K) Manpower (3.7 FTE for 39 Months) Second Year flagship deployments: Costs according to the price models provided by the suppliers EC funding focused on: Coordinating beneficiaries’ efforts and animating the whole initiative Communication and Outreach
Provisional Financial Status Based on Beneficiaries’ Cost Claims for Period 1 Total Costs: 1,038,934 EUR 63 % of total budgeted costs Total Requested Contribution: 801,548 EUR 74% of budgeted requested contribution Direct personnel costs are 72 % of total costs Remaining costs are travel, other costs and overheads 22
Total Cost per Beneficiary 23
Provisional Financial Status 24 Over-spending beneficiary Budget Consumption – Period 1 Overspent by (EUR) Atos 196,987 (127%) 41,600 Most under-spending beneficiaries Budget Consumption – Period 1 Under-spent by (k EUR) SAP 106,716231,971 EMBL 1, ,963 CGI/Logica49,15761,780 - Spent 50% of the WP5 - WP3 effort needed was below expectation - WP2 cost will be used in P2 - Work completed using effort funded from other sources - Project funded effort will be concentrated on WP5 in P2 No impact on DoW. All beneficiaries contributing to project - WP2 cost will be consumed in P2 - Work of a trainee not charged to the EC project Task of defining the cloud platform and provisioning required more work than originally foreseen. Has required more highly-skilled and experienced staff than we expected
Effort Consumption 25
Total Effort by Beneficiary 26 Transition from the PoC to the pilot deployments took longer that expected The unspent effort will be used in WP5
Total Effort by Activity 27