LESSON 3. Articulation of Some Sounds. Palatalization and Word Stress Koyshekenova T.K. English Department
PLAN OF THE LESSON General information about the definition and articulations of sounds [k, g, t, d, n, s, z, i] Palatalization. Word Stress. Phonetic Tasks
Goal of the lesson: to explain general rules about the articulations of speech sounds; to introduce the students with the processes ‘palatalization’ and ‘word stress’; to consolidate a new material by means of phonetic exercises;
[k, g] OcclusivePlosiveBacklingual Articulation of the consonants [k, g, t, d, n, s, z]
Strong and voiceless
[g] weakvoiced
Articulation: The back of the tongue makes a firm contact with the soft palate. The soft palate is raised.
[ t, d ] occlusiveforelingualplosive
[t] strongvoiceless
[d] weakvoiced
Articulation: The complete obstruction is made by the tip of the tongue firmly pressed against the middle of the alveolar ridge. The soft palate is raised and the air coming into the mouth is trapped (задержать) for a short time.
[s, z] constrictivefricativeforelingual
ARTICULATION OF [S,Z] The tip of the tongue is close to the alveolar ridge. The teeth are very close together.
[n] is occlusive, nasal, forelingual, apical and alveolar sound. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the alveolar ridge. The soft palate is lowered and the air escapes through the nose. [ i ] is front-retracted, unrounded, lax and short. The tongue is in the front part of the mouth. The lips are loosely spread, the mouth is slightly open.
Palatalization In the English language the most consonants are pronounced without palatalization. Palatalization is formed by the raising the middle part of the tongue towards the hard palate when we pronounce the consonants. It is formed by the affection of preceding vowels [i:, e, ! е ]. This phenomenon is typical for Russian consonants. But most English consonants are pronounced without palatalization.
Word-stress in disyllabic and polysyllabic words may by defined as a greater degree of prominence given to one or more of its syllables. In English word-stress is effected mainly by a general increase in the force of articulation and it is marked by a sign [ ` ]. For example: [`k i t i], [`t i k i t]. Word-Stress
Questions for checking What is palatalization? What is a word-stress? What can you say about articulation of the sounds [k, g]? What can you say about articulation of the sounds [t, d]? How is vowel [ i] pronounced?