NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE PARTICIPATION IN NAME Fifth Meeting of the NAME Science Working Group Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Miguel Cortez-Vázquez
At the SMN, NAME is envisioned as an opportunity to: a) Improve our knowledge on the climate of Mexico, and increase the capacity to forecast the warm season rainfall b) training for operational forecasters, observers and technicians c) Share historical and near real-time data and products SMN participation in NAME
SMN Participation in NAME a) SMN Current Meteorological Infrastructure 79 synoptic stations 16 radiosonde sites 74 automated weather stations (10 more at the end of 2003) 12 radars (4 in northwestern Mexico) b) Historical and near real-time data c) Working group during NAME (meteorologists, observers, and technicians) d) Two tracks in Northwestern Mexico during the EOP
SMN Participation in NAME d) Two tracks in Northwestern Mexico during the EOP e) Joint a Forecast Office (Tucson-Mexico City) f) Most of the SMN annual budget for training in 2004 will be used in activities related with NAME: 2-3 Weeks training course in México City (B. Maddox and A. Douglas) Short visits of SMN personnel to Tucson
a) Promoting NAME inside the SMN and within CNA regional offices. CNA Personnel in northwestern Mexico most be involved in the process b) Contacting Mexican climate related agencies (CFE, local governments, universities) c) Inspection and maintenance of the SMN observational networks d) Personnel training in specific topics before the EOP (forecasters, observers, and technicians) Actions at the SMN for participating in NAME
Automated stations network operated by state governmental agencies
The fourth radars in Northwestern Mexico (Los Cabos, Guasave, Obregón, Palmito), can be changed into a research operation mode during the EOP SMN meteorological radar network
At this time two sites are out of service : Chihuahua (technical problems with the infrastructure); Puerto Angel (no observer).
Reports every 10 minutes (last 24 hours) Hourly summaries (average of the observations every teen min.) for the last seven days Daily summaries (average of the last 24 hours) for the last 90 days SMN automated weather stations network