Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds OpenCourseWare Secondary Education Steering Committee Meeting – June 21, 2006
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds OpenCourseWare Secondary Education 1 1 I.Goals II.Key components III.Recommendations IV.Partnership principles V.Certification of student work - Brainstorm VI.Teacher professional development - Brainstorm
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 22 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education › Inspire students to pursue degrees, and eventually careers, in STEM fields › Prepare students to excel in STEM fields › Provide materials and support for teachers that help them enrich their science and math classes › Provide resources and materials for students that help them to more easily and deeply learn STEM concepts The Goals Provide compelling content and create excitement and exuberance! Provide compelling content and create excitement and exuberance!
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 223 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education Key Components › math, science and engineering secondary education courses Significant video component Innovative multimedia applications Hands on, project based learning › Teachers in residence program with potential funding for teacher sabbaticals › Certificate programs in areas of science, math, and engineering › National mentors corps, a la peace corps?
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 24 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education › Approve goals and key components of OCW SE › Many small projects with marginal impact, need a large scale ($50M+) initiative in order to have an impact › Go forward with 16-month pilot. Final decision on full implementation at the completion of pilot phase. The Recommendations
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 5 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education Partnership Principles – Major Types ContentFundingDissemination › National Academies (Science and Engineering) › High Schools › Corporations › Individuals › Foundations › Department of Defense › Governors / States › National Science Teachers Association › National Council of Teachers of Mathematics › National Academies › Governors / States › School(s) of Education
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 6 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education Partnership Principles – Examples for Discussion › Brings unique expertise or resources to the project › Brings complementary expertise to the project (a lot like us in terms of status, expertise, etc) › Should not adversely affect an existing MIT partnership › Should not introduce bureaucracy that outweighs incremental contributions › Should not diminish MIT’s overall ownership of the project
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 7 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education Certification of student work - Brainstorm Badge LevelGraded Level Teachers certify completion of student work or “mastery of materials” MIT or partner creates and grades student assessment, certifying mastery MIT incurs few costs beside issuing certificates MIT ensures mastery of material and control over process Certificates may be of minimal value if they are easy to obtain Falsely implies MIT certification MIT incurs cost of developing, grading and managing assessments Approach + -
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 8 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education Teacher professional development - Brainstorm Approach + - WorkshopsCertificateGraduate Credit Present workshops and certify attendance. Will not provide graduate credit. MIT creates online professional development programs and awards certificates for mastery of material MIT creates online professional development programs and awards graduate credit for mastery of material (Either MIT credit or through Ed. School partner MIT incurs few costs beside issuing certificates MIT does not have to offer graduate credit – low/no cost for teacher MIT ensures mastery of material and control over process Easier acceptance by states/districts Certificates may be of minimal value if they are not graduate credit or can’t be used to enhance teacher pay MIT incurs cost of developing, grading and managing assessments Work with every state to ensure acceptance of certificates MIT incurs cost of developing, grading and managing assessments Assumes some tuition costs for teachers or districts