Professional Formation of Teachers in Higher Education Research, theories and practices Jo Tait, SCEPTrE, University of Surrey, UK Peter Knight, Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK
From competence to excellence Jo Tait, SCEPTrE, University of Surrey, UK
From competence to excellence Assumption of individual competence Working practices and development of participants in their particular work roles – towards excellence Definition of excellence Commitment to continued learning Developing contexts Organisational sites and spaces where action and influence are possible.
Complex contexts Distributed communities: part-time tutors in 13 geographical regions, including continental Europe Hierarchies and structures for development – central and regional Central production / local interaction
Strands of enquiry Questionnaire – for baselining and engaging volunteers Reflection individual journal and professional conversations – face to face and online Narrative – stories about ‘failing students’ and ‘portfolio careers’ Assessment – paired marking / plenary discussions Symposium – shared questions and emergent solutions across systems and hierarchies
Underpinning concepts Adult, informal and experiential learning (Rogers) ‘Excellence’ as open-ended commitment to learning – replaces competence and reflection Situated learning (Lave and Wenger) Appreciative inquiry (Ludema and Cooperrider) Systems thinking (Checkland)
Outcomes for participants’ professional learning Professional voice – peripheral participation in course development, collaborative learning, active contribution ‘A conversation you didn’t know you were going to have’ – unanticipated benefits Self-appreciation – for assessment and feedback Contextual knowledge – for organisational change
Concepts of excellence in … Focus of inquiryInquiry approaches Anticipated outcome of inquiry Individual participant People and their stories Feedback from individuals Autobiography Narrative Reflection and journals Personal learning and development Useful ways of reflecting Activity groups Processes and systems Dynamics of teaching and learning systems Focus groups Sense-making conversations Shared understandings of practice Participation Organisational structures and environments Staff development arrangements Information and participation Organisational stories and assumptions Mapping Review of planning documents and strategies Formal and informal conversations Understanding values and practices in diverse locations Enhanced processes and environments for learning and development
Questions for reviewing studies. OU studyPiTBenchmarking Trustworthiness Implications
The effects of post-graduate certificates in teaching and learning in higher education Peter Knight, the Open University
Design of empirical work SampleTool First survey, Autumn current, 73 past volunteers from 8 universities Modified questionnaire used in PiT and OU E-interviews, Spring current, 32 past participants who replied to the first survey Modified schedule from PiT and OU Phone interviews, April and May of those who participated in e-interviews Modified schedule from PiT and OU Second survey Summer current participants from 12 universities (two thirds come from original 8 universities) Extended version of 1 st survey
Findings (1) 1.Qualitative data align with the analyses of quantitative data and illuminate them. (Tables 3.8, 3.10) 2.Professional formation as a teacher in higher education is substantially affected by simply doing the job, one’s own experience as a student, non- formal workplace interactions with others, and staff development provision. (Tables 3.1, 3.4) 3.Levels of satisfaction with the various ways of developing as a teacher are modest. (Tables 3.2, 3.5)
Findings (2) 4.People starting out on PGC courses had high hopes. (Table 3.3). Towards the end of their course they were less positive. (Table 3.12) 5.There are some differences between the responses of past and present participants in PGC courses, although it is possible that they may be attributable to selection bias. 6.There are hints that the benefits of PGC courses may most strongly disclose themselves some time after completion, especially when graduates are in a position to design or substantially change modules or other aspects of provision.
Findings (3) 7.Variations in the response patterns from different universities are apparent in their questionnaire responses towards the end of their course. (Table 4.1). There are no other systematic and significant patterns of variation. (Section 4) 8.PGCs follow the pattern of PGCE courses. Doubts about the efficacy of PGCEs are noted. 9.PGCs follow an approach to professional learning that has been significantly supplemented by research into professional formation.
Question What is the place of PGCs in the professional formation of higher education teachers?
Curriculum and pedagogic enhancement Structure and agency in the formation of teachers in higher education: the practice of educational developers with a commitment to curriculum and pedagogic enhancement Trustworthiness of the set of five studies Implications – how might the set be used or applied?
Contacts Peter Knight, The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA Jo Tait, SCEPTrE, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH