Using iPod in the classroom Chris Wiley & Maria Mendez
You will be asked 4 questions throughout the presentation. Write your ideas in the box on the business card labeled “your response”. At the end, we will “mix it up” to share our responses. Mix it Up Business Card
According to “The Principal’s Partnership” research brief… Some K-12 educators and schools have started using the iPod to enhance their curriculum and to support learning objectives in content areas such as – mathematic, science, reading, foreign language, and history among others. Much has been published recently about the use of iPods at several educational institutions. Journalistic and academic articles claim that iPods offer a rich pedagogical vein to be explored by educators of all disciplines, and language educators in particular. As Keegan (1995) indicates, language education remains one of the most innovative disciplinary areas for the development of new learning technologies, especially in the emerging area of mobile learning. Students with ADD or ADHD have also been observed to become remarkably focused if they are able to have an iPod with them; it probably helps to give them control over the amount of sensory stimulation. Others also noted that iPods offer a unique and increasingly cost- effective way to differentiate instruction.
Question #1 What is your understanding of using iPods in the classroom and outside of school? What are some concerns or questions you have about iPods?
Examples in Content Area Using iPods in Science –Discovery Streaming videos w/ blackline masters –Pre, During, and Post activities Using iPods in Social Studies –Discovery Streaming videos w/ blackline masters –Timeline Activity Math: YouTube video “Mr. Dewey Division” – –Practice the steps to long division by listening & writing Using and modifying outline for navigating through independent lessons
Question #2 How can you apply these ideas into your grade level content area? Give an example.
Using Audio Books Free websites for downloading Audiobooks: –Free Audiobooks: –Books Should Be Free: –iTunes Free Download of the Week: – – – Free musical lyrics websites: – – – – Be careful with Copyright laws: –download one audio book per iPod –Be extremely with YouTube videos
Question #3 What kinds of media are you interested in downloading onto the iPods to use in your classroom (audio books, songs, discovery streaming videos)?
Ideas for Primary Grades New & improved listening Center: Listen to books and follow along Download Songs or Poems & listen for fluency Song lyrics help build fluency as students read Discovery Streaming: content-based videos View student-made PhotoStory projects TAG & SPED differentiated instruction
Ideas for Upper Grades Remediation time Work at their own pace TAG projects SPED support in all areas Watch PhotoStory projects Listen to Podcasts through audacity (free subscriptions available online) World News, scientific discoveries, history discussion/lectures Discovery Streaming videos for content-based subjects
Question #4 How could iPods help you to solve a problem you are having in your classroom? What advantages or benefits do you see from using iPods?
We will now ask you to share the answers you wrote down. When we say “Mix it up”, mix around the room and find someone who was not sitting at your table. In pairs, Partner A shares and Partner B listens; Partner B responds to what he/she heard by paraphrasing: “LET ME TELL YOU WHAT I UNDERSTOOD YOU TO SAY”; Record summary of partners response; then switch Roles STAY w/ your partner until it is time to mix it up for the next question. By the end, you should have at least two answers for each question and have talked to 4 new people! Mix it Up Business Card
1.What is your understanding of using iPods in the classroom and outside of school? What are some concerns or questions you have about iPods? 2. How can you apply these ideas into your grade level content area? Give an example. 3. What kinds of media are you interested in downloading onto the iPods to use in your classroom (audio books, songs, discovery streaming videos)? 4. How could iPods help you to solve a problem you are having in your classroom? What advantages/benefits do you see from using iPods?
Summary Easy to use Little planning time Students work at their own pace Differentiated assignments Reach all learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) Allowing technology to be used in the classroom Relaxed, quiet environment Sense of ownership and responsibility in their work Feeling “privileged” to use new tools Don’t forget the iPod workshop with Chris O’Neil…he has great resources and an excellent guide at his website