Ronnie Manis, Seth Hagarty, and Megan Stephenson
Network Issues Each building will have a media specialist for tier I support If tier I support is not sufficient, the media specialist will report through an eticket the problem to the tier II support staff Tier II support will be handled by district technology staff
Hardware All hardware purchases must go through the IT director School administrators do not have the authority to purchase hardware
Software Software purchasing must be approved by the IT director Administrative assistant for IT director coordinates licensing agreements and sends out to media specialists Media specialist are responsible for building specific licensed software. District wide license (Microsoft Office, Operating Systems, etc) will be housed in the district technology offices
Software Staff members will be able to use software and assist students in the following: Word processing/desktop publishing/production Creativity and graphics manipulation Curriculum-specific (software currently being integrated) Spreadsheets, databases, and grading software Internet browsers and communication tools
Internet Security The district will have a filtering system as designated by IT director as required by national e-rate policies Staff may request changes in filtering to IT director Specific facts regarding internet filtering are located at tml tml
Copyright Regulations Media center specialists will be responsible for all information regarding copyright regulations All staff will review copyright regulations at the beginning of each school year For more information on copyright regulations, go to ghtposter.pdf ghtposter.pdf or
All district staff and students will have access to All district staff will review protocol at the beginning of each school year with the media specialists will not be private The district will have an policy, which includes the following: Prevention of sending inappropriate material Prevention of unlawful online activity Banning use to sell personal items
Staff Development and Training (AEA Support) All staff will receive ongoing, sustained training in Basic/Advance computer skills related to all technologies and Internet search skills. To facilitate this training, Atomic Learning will be made available for both students and teachers through AEA Encourage and offer financial incentives for teachers to attend conferences, technology seminars, site visitations, workshops and other opportunities to explore existing and new methods of using technology in the classroom. Use the “Train-the-Trainer Concept” in all situations possible to accelerate the process of implementing new ideals.
Staff Development and Training All staff new to the district will have monthly mandatory technology PD to bring them up to speed on specific district technology directives New technology will be introduced to staff through monthly in-service sessions District technology capacity will be maintained through monthly in-services and “refresher” courses available, but not mandatory, to all district staff.