1US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Working Group 4 - High Power Proton Accelerators: Achievements and Plans for Second PASI Workshop John Thomason & Steve Holmes UK-US Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation Workshop April 3-5, 2013
2US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Definitions: −High power = >1 MW beam power −Proton accelerator = ▫Ion sources (p, H - ) ▫Accelerators (linac, synchrotron, FFAG, storage ring) Goals/deliverables: −Familiarize participants with activities and future plans for high power proton accelerators in the US and UK −Explore opportunities for collaboration/cooperation/ coordination −Deliverable = list of such opportunities for follow up Working Group Goals (reminder from 2012 Workshop)
3US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Oriented around facilities and technologies: −Operational experience at existing facilities −Test/demonstration facilities in the planning stage −Ion source development activities −Novel approaches to high intensity acceleration −Supporting technologies −Future high power facilities in the development stage −Simulations in support of the above Participants: Dan Bollinger, Dan Faircloth, Bob Kephart, Alan Letchford, Shinji Machida, Sergei Nagaitsev, Mike Plum, Jürgen Pozimski, Vladimir Shiltsev, Alexander Valishev Working Group Goals (reminder from 2012 Workshop)
4US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 SNS, Project X, and ISIS to establish points of contact, and share reliability model input information as requested −FNAL and ISIS contacts established ISIS and Project X teams to retain communication on chopper deflector and absorber designs −Alan Letchford attended PXIE meeting and discussed relevant issues Fermilab to consider participation in space-charge neutralization experiments at FETS −Contacts established and maintained −Ongoing discussion of possible FNAL participation −Jürgen Pozimski has conducted some further experiments with FNAL kept in the loop ISIS to provide information to Fermilab on Cs handling / Fermilab to keep RAL informed on operation of the HINS source without Cs trapping −Cs handling procedures have been compared and details of the techniques used have been shared −Operational experience of running without a Cs trap gained on HINS source −A workshop was held at the University of Jyvaskyla after NIBS2012 entitled “Performance Variation of H - Sources”. A summary paper will be published that compares the operational performance of the FNAL and ISIS sources against the other high current H - sources around the world Deliverables (1)
5US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 JAI to consider expanded involvement in IOTA −Some discussion, but ball still in JAI’s court. IOTA is part of a larger initiative (Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator) currently under review by DOE for FY14 funding Fermilab to determine the operational future of HINS; and keep SNS and ISIS informed and/or engaged in planning −Christoph Gabor visited FNAL for 10 days to test FETS diagnostics on HINS −The HINS programme is being terminated so that equipment can be recycled into the PXIE facility ISIS to consider extension of their current collaboration on SNS diagnostics −5 members of ISIS diagnostics team visited SNS in April 2012 to discuss collaborative work within the context of PASI −Strip-line design at ISIS is ongoing and informed by SNS team: Craig Deibele will participate in commissioning −Other collaboration probable, but only have enough resource for strip-line monitor at the moment UK to identify mechanisms for assignment of personnel within the SRF effort at Fermilab and SNS −No progress, but could be of great benefit for UK accelerator programme Deliverables (2)
6US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 UK to send ~2 attendees to the Project X Collaboration Meeting in April 2012 −Swapan Chattopadhyay is already attending these meetings, Alan Letchford will also do so, although he didn’t attend in April 2012 UK to designate an RAL/Neutrino Factory contact for Project X −John Thomason identified Benchmark ISIS and Project X foil codes against each other −Bryan Jones and Hayley Smith from ISIS visited FNAL in May 2012 to investigate collaboration −Delta electron cooling calculations done for ISIS 180 MeV foil have been forwarded to Igor Rakhno at FNAL −Further contact and exchange of results on Delta electron cooling calculations −Also exchange of s between Dean Adams, Bryan Jones and Leonid Vorobiev regarding ORBIT development Make a plan for measuring foil temperature distributions and compare to simulations (probably at SNS) −No progress, ball still in SNS’s court Deliverables (3)
7US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Summary of Deliverables DeliverableProgress?Benefitted from PASI? Future Benefit?Pursue? SNS, Project X, and ISIS to share reliability model input information LimitedPossiblyYesAs required ISIS and Project X to retain communication on chopper designs SomeYes Fermilab participation in space- charge neutralization at FETS SomeMaybeYes ISIS to provide information to Fermilab on Cs handling Yes Fermilab to keep RAL informed on HINS source without Cs trapping Yes PXIE source doesn’t use Cs JAI to consider expanded involvement in IOTA SomeNot yetPossible Establish at this meeting? Fermilab to determine the operational future of HINS Yes No ISIS to consider extension of their collaboration on SNS diagnostics Yes Identify mechanisms for assignment UK of personnel within US SRF effort No, but should addressed No Could be large for UK Establish at this meeting? UK to send ~2 attendees to the Project X Collaboration Meetings Yes Ongoing, but not expanded Yes UK to designate an RAL/Neutrino Factory contact for Project X Yes Ongoing, but not expanded Yes Benchmark ISIS and Project X foil codes against each other Yes Yes, and expansion into ORBIT Yes Measure foil temperatures and compare to simulations No Maybe
8US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Opportunities at HINS Applications of high performance computing to beam simulations Extended discussion of beam dynamics modeling for Project X and ISIS Upgrades In addition we felt that next year’s discussion could benefit from expanded representation from other US laboratories (depending upon the extent to which this is US–UK vs Fermilab–UK) and from enhanced participation of diagnostics experts Missing from 2012 Discussions
9US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Agenda for Day 1
10US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Agenda for Day 2
11US-UK Workshop, Jan 12-14, 2012 Agenda for Day 3