Spirituality & Leadership of Women in New Testament Communities I. Women in the Canonical Gospels A. Some Factors to Bear in Mind in Interpreting NT Texts
Spirituality & Leadership of Women in New Testament Communities I. Women in the Canonical Gospels A. Some Factors to Bear in Mind in Interpreting NT Texts B. Women Disciples
Spirituality & Leadership of Women in New Testament Communities I. Women in the Canonical Gospels A. Some Factors to Bear in Mind in Interpreting NT Texts B. Women Disciples C. 3 Marys and Martha 1. Virgin Mary 2. Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42 & John 11:1-12:8) 3. Mary Magdalene
Spirituality & Leadership of Women in New Testament Communities I. Women in the Canonical Gospels A. Some Factors to Bear in Mind in Interpreting NT Texts B. Women Disciples C. 3 Marys and Martha 1. Virgin Mary 2. Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42 & John 11:1-12:8) 3. Mary Magdalene D. Stories & Teaching of Jesus
Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman from John 4:7-42 (from the Via Latina catacombs in Rome, mid-4th century CE)
Spirituality & Leadership of Women in New Testament Communities I. Women in the Canonical Gospels A. Some Factors to Bear in Mind in Interpreting NT Texts B. Women Disciples C. 3 Marys and Martha 1. Virgin Mary 2. Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42 & John 11:1-12:8) 3. Mary Magdalene D. Stories & Teaching of Jesus II. Women’s Roles in House Churches
Spirituality & Leadership of Women in New Testament Communities I. Women in the Canonical Gospels A. Some Factors to Bear in Mind in Interpreting NT Texts B. Women Disciples C. 3 Marys and Martha 1. Virgin Mary 2. Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42 & John 11:1-12:8) 3. Mary Magdalene D. Stories & Teaching of Jesus II. Women’s Roles in House Churches -Hospitality, Education, Communication, Social Services
An Early Christian Table-Fellowship (from catacombs of Santa Priscilla in Rome) Many who actively participated in table-fellowship were women
A wealthy Roman matron From catacombs of Domitilla, Rome.