traditional Christmas in our country
decorating houses and Christmas trees, singing carols, presents giving preparing special meals
We decorate our trees with lights, gaudy baubles and chains. At the top of a tree we traditionally put a star that symbolizes the star that led the Magi to Bethlehem. Many people decorate their trees with sweets and self-made ornaments.
RED BORSCH – a beetroot soup CABBAGE DUMPLINGS BIGOS –stewed cabbage with pea POPPY-SEEK CAKE
Przybieżeli do Betlejem (Shepherds have come running to Bethlehem) - a Polish carol that dates back to the 17th century
G dy się Chrystus rodzi (When Christ is born)
In Poland, Christmas starts with the first star that appears on the sky. Then family gathers around a table and reads a passage of the Bible. After that, all members share a special wafer when exchangining Christmas wishes. They have dinner together, talk and sing carols. At midnight there is a mass called pasterka.
December December is a day reserved for family and friends. Its time to relax and indulge yourself eating everything youve prepared (usually) in front of TV. We watch our must-be movies e.g. Home Alone, Shrek etc. When the weather is good, we go out to enjoy snow and brisk air.