CAP + Clocks Time keeps on slipping, slipping…
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CAP “Theorem” and Implications
Desirable properties of data systems ACID transactions – Atomic: Either all of the transaction happens or none – Consistent: After a transaction, all uniqueness properties are maintained – Isolation: One transaction does not affect another – Durable: Once complete, the transaction remains complete
Move to distributed environment CAP – Consistency: updates to data are applied to all or none – Availability: must be able to access all data – Partitions: failures can partition network into subtrees Why should we want all three? Is it possible?
Eric Brewer’s CAP “theorem” The Brewer Conjecture – No system can simultaneously achieve C and A and P – Implication: must perform tradeoffs to obtain 2 at the expense of the 3rd – Never published, but widely recognized
CAP Examples 9 Write (key, 1) Replicate (key, 2) Read Availability – Client can always read Impact of partitions – Not consistent (key, 1) Write (key, 1) Replicate (key, 2) Read Consistency Reads always return accurate results Impact of partitions No availability Error: Service Unavailable A+P C+P What about C+A? Doesn’t really exist Partitions are always possible Tradeoffs must be made to cope with them
Proof of Theorem Strong proof when no clocks – No way to reliably stay consistent What changes with clocks?
Weak consistency Use clocks, impose partial ordering – Allows a form of “eventual consistency” Key result that drives many of today’s systems – “return most of the data most of the time” – “usually correct results” Where is this not ok?
12 years later: Have the “rules” changed? What if partitions are rare? – Then most of the time C/A are maintained CAP don’t need to be binary properties Choosing between C or A is not a fixed decision, can change over time
How long is the partition? We can’t “choose” to never have P – But we can put constraints on how the system operates within some threshold time – Primary partitions enable partial availability – But require knowing invariants to reconcile consistency after partition is done
So what do you do when there is a partition? Detection Enter “partition mode” – Why? Recover after partition is done – What are the challenges?
Recovery We’ve all done this – (CVS, SVN, git, hg) How does it work? – Commutative operations – Commutative replicated data types Special data types will come up again and again
Exercise Let’s match popular applications to consistency/availability models
Time and Clocks
Time It’s pretty important, eh? It marches on Only goes forward …
Time It defines a distributed system “…message transmission time is not negligible compared to the time between events in a single process”
Partial time ordering No way for all clocks to have exactly the same time all the time – Why? Instead, focus on a partial ordering – “happens before” relationship – use it to build a (arbitrary) total ordering – this does not use physical time What is the difference?
Scalar Clocks General technique described by Leslie Lamport – Explicitly maps out time as a sequence of version numbers at each participant (from 1978!!) Key idea – Each process maintains a counter (“clock”) – When it sends a message, it includes the counter – When receiving message, each process updates its clock to be greater than timestamp in message 21
Nice applications of Logical Clocks Fully distributed – Mutual exclusion – Fairness – Liveness
Physical clocks What do they give us?
Vector clocks The idea – A vector clock is a list of (node, counter) pairs – Every version of every object has one vector clock Detecting causality – If all of A’s counters are less-than-or-equal to all of B’s counters, then A is ancestor of B, and can be forgotten – Intuition: A was applied to every node before B was applied to any node. Therefore, A precedes B Use vector clocks to perform syntactic reconciliation
Simple Vector Clock Example Key features – Writes always succeed – Reconcile on read Possible issues – Large vector sizes – Need to be trimmed Solution – Add timestamps – Trim oldest nodes – Can introduce error D1 ([Sx, 1]) D2 ([Sx, 2]) D3 ([Sx, 2], [Sy, 1]) D4 ([Sx, 2], [Sz, 1]) D5 ([Sx, 2], [Sy, 1], [Sz, 1]) D5 ([Sx, 2], [Sy, 1], [Sz, 1]) Write by Sx Write by SzWrite by Sy Read reconcile 25
Vector clock properties Isomorphic: Timestamps can be used to get causal ordering (and vice versa) Strong consistency Event counting Useful for distributed debugging, causal ordering, etc
Matrix time Add another dimension – Everyone has a consistent view of everyone else’s clock – Can be used to “prune” stale information
Take-aways Consistency, Availability, Partitions – Can we do them all together? – Depends on goals, time Time is relative – Order matters – Logical ordering and causality can give us total ordering consistency