30 th Annual FAA Forecast Conference Phil Boyer President Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Phil Boyer President Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association “General Aviation Issues and Future Outlook”
Survey Demographics What is highest pilot certificate you hold…
60% are instrument rated pilots… Survey Demographics
A majority of the pilots fly for pleasure not for a living… Survey Demographics
Pleasure flights make up most of the flight hours flown in the last 12 months… Survey Demographics
Own a general aviation aircraft. Survey Demographics
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of GA? General Aviation Environment
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of GA? Product Liability Reform General Aviation Environment
A Majority of those surveyed feel the economic environment for general aviation has some turbulent skies ahead. General Aviation Environment
However, those seeing a positive economic outlook have risen dramatically since General Aviation Environment
The majority of GA pilots feel the political climate will have a negative impact on general aviation. General Aviation Environment
Overall, there has been 11% total difference in the flying habits of GA pilots since 2003 General Aviation Environment 7% fly less 4% fly more. 7% fly less 4% fly more.
4.GA airspace restrictions (54%) 5.Cost of aircraft ownership/operations (59%) 6.Locally imposed access, restrictions to GA airports (50%) 7.Security rules on pilots (43%) 8.State initiatives affecting GA (42%) 9.Quality of ATC related infrastructure (40%) 10.GA airport security restrictions (37%) 4.GA airspace restrictions (54%) 5.Cost of aircraft ownership/operations (59%) 6.Locally imposed access, restrictions to GA airports (50%) 7.Security rules on pilots (43%) 8.State initiatives affecting GA (42%) 9.Quality of ATC related infrastructure (40%) 10.GA airport security restrictions (37%) Issues Facing General Aviation The following are the top 10 issues ranked by importance by GA pilots.
2.The possibility of user fees (61%) 3.Cost of aircraft insurance (61%) 2.The possibility of user fees (61%) 3.Cost of aircraft insurance (61%) Issues Facing General Aviation The most significant GA issues remain unchanged since 2003
Federal Aviation Administration The following areas of the FAA were identified as in the most need of improvement
Federal Aviation Administration Pilots agree the following areas within the FAA are sound and need little improvement Safety Programs FSS-weather services Enforcement of regulations. Safety Programs FSS-weather services Enforcement of regulations.
Transportation Security Administration The TSA's lack of understanding of General Aviation, remains the #1 concern of GA pilots
94% of GA pilots vote in state/local as well as Presidential elections. Strong GA Voice National average for voter turnout is significantly lower
The majority of those surveyed feel that Congress has a negative view of general aviation GA Advocacy
Security measures mandated by congress raise concerns among pilots 46% feel that security measures will adversely affect their ability to fly. GA Advocacy
Do you believe that issues relating to homeland security threaten GA operations SecuritySecurity
Security based airspace restrictions or airport related security requirements have not affected the amount of flying for the majority (83%) of pilots. SecuritySecurity
Is it acceptable to require aircraft to install avionics equipment that provide unique aircraft identification when operating VFR anywhere… SecuritySecurity 39% say they are unacceptable regardless of the security threat/risk.
A majority (56%) of the pilots have seen a noticeable increase in airport security at their home airport since 9/11. SecuritySecurity
With this increase in security, many are concerned that enhanced airport security measures will limit the viability of GA operations from which they fly. SecuritySecurity
Should the government mandate the use of anti theft devices? SecuritySecurity
SecuritySecurity The number of pilots who support mandated anti theft devices has decreased by more than 50% since 2003.
Noise complaints Lack of support from local government Lack of funding Incompatible land use Sale of airport Low level of flight activity. Noise complaints Lack of support from local government Lack of funding Incompatible land use Sale of airport Low level of flight activity. Reasons Airports Die
The top three threats that could lead to the closure of your local airport are… Reasons Airports Die
Pilots feel their their airport operations will be restricted due to increasing community concern about noise. Reasons Airports Die
AirspaceAirspace 1.Access to airports in Class B airspace 2.Depiction of graphical TFRs 3.Security related airspace restrictions 1.Access to airports in Class B airspace 2.Depiction of graphical TFRs 3.Security related airspace restrictions The most important airspace issues facing general aviation are…
FSS annual budget $600 million 40 million contacts/year 87% of FSS contacts are GA. FSS, A "GA" Service
No Fee for services! Do you think FSS should be the Federal governments responsibility to continue to fund as a no fee service… Flight Service Stations
Would you be satisfied with the government contracting out FSS, if no fees are charged and quality maintained? FAA Selects Lockheed Martin
Would you be satisfied with the government contracting out FSS, if no fees are charged and quality maintained? FAA Selects Lockheed Martin Yes No
Over three-quarters of the pilots feel the FAA must make pilot education its highest priority rather than increasing regulation. Pilot Regulation
This is up significantly from Pilot Regulation Over three-quarters of the pilots feel the FAA must make pilot education its highest priority rather than increasing regulation.
Over two thirds of the pilots support the requirement for a photo on their airman certificate. Enhanced Pilot Certificates
AvionicsAvionics Of the GPS units used for navigation, 34% of them consist of Handheld units.
AOPA Membership is key! A majority of those surveyed have been a member more than 10 years!
Membership is key! A majority of those surveyed have been a member more than 10 years!
30 th Annual FAA Forecast Conference Phil Boyer President Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Phil Boyer President Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association “General Aviation Issues and Future Outlook”