The most magical things in the world they control the whole universe but yet they are untouchable
Words Dancing along the page Paragraphs their swings Cartwheeling the Olympic gymnasts Flowing on an everlasting river from the hand Twisting Squeezing Like an orange squeezer Those are the lucky ones On the other hand Lost, forgotten Sitting in a corner crying Ashamed Ashen faced
But not for long Whirled away sucked down the pipe Bashed about Tossing Turning Then dropped bruised on the ground No longer original Lost in a crowd And can’t get out One day hoping to return But a ray of light
Very Occasionally Appears A fairy In the dark fog One word is separated from the rest They’re sucked up this time Gently, Floating, Silence
He’s rusty old Maybe ill But there’s Something, Something That shines out About her Then she tries to forget it doesn’t matter anymore It’s found a place
Like a shabby, old box Never opened swept into loving arms Cared for and it’s past is pushed away Discarded for only A Little Stab. It’s Tiny But pokes within
A tiny dagger Shrinking But Still there Never leaving Not BIG But not small Because they remember Their unforgivable past
Together with the happy words It’s Strange, Weird And they’re out of place Hide it And hide it well For you never want To go Back Because it’s over, forgotten And you’re alone