Tang Decline and Rise of Song New emperor initially advances political and economic reform Becomes more interested in arts and pleasures Allows an imperial harem Rival cliques stimulate unrest Lack of royal direction caused economical and military distress.
Tang Decline and Rise of Song Nomadic frontier peoples and regional governors used the disorder to gain power Last Tang emperor resigns in 907. In 960 China is reunited under Song. Emperor does not defeat the Manchus
Song Politics Never match the Tang in political or military strength Song rulers strongly promoted the interests of the Confucian scholar-gentry Salaries were increased, civil service exams were standardized and successful candidates had better chance for employment.
Revival of Confucian Thought New academies to study the classics and impressive libraries founded The importance of applying philosophical principals to every day life were emphasized. Cultivation of personal morality was the highest human goal.
Revival of Confucian Thought Confucian learning was thought to produce superior men to govern and teach others It had a lasting impact on intellectual life Hostility to foreign thought prevented the entry of innovations from other society Stress on tradition stifled critical thinking Rituals reinforced class, gender and age distinctions.
Decline Song weaknesses before the nomads (Khitan) encouraged other nomads to carve out kingdoms in the north The Song paid them tribute and maintained a large army to protect against invasion draining resources Neo-Confucians believed in traditional styles that did not promote reform.
Agrarian Production Song and Tang pushed agricultural expansion Peasants were encouraged to migrate to new areas New crops and technology increased yields Rulers adopted policies to break up aristocratic estates for more even distribution among free peasants.
Family and Society in the Tang-Song Status of women improved under Tang but declined during Song Extended family households were preferred Male-dominated hierarchy Upper class women had increased opportunities.
Neo-Confucian Male Dominance New laws favored men in inheritance, divorce and women were excluded from educational system. Footbinding takes place, particularly among upper class women. Confinement of women to home.
Decline Economic conditions worsened and the military was unable to defend the northern borders. The nomadic Jurchens established the Qin kingdom. They invaded China and annexed the Yellow River Basin The Song fled to the south and established a new capital and ruled until 1279, when the Mongols take over.
Highlights Gunpowder invented under the Tang. Banks, trade routes, junks, paper money, flying money (credit) all helped China prosper. 11 th C. movable type and invention of paper allows a higher literacy level than anywhere else in the world.