Title V Strengthening Hispanic Serving Institutions William Bird-Forteza Title V/LEC Director Metropolitan College of New York
MCNY’s Title V Grant Term: Five Year Grant ( ) Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education Amount: 2.7 million dollars –Year 1- $550,000 –Year 2- $560,806
Activity Description: Developing Institutional Capacity to Improve Academic Success for Hispanic and Other Under-prepared Students
Learning Enhancement Center Mission Statement Maximize students’ academic potential in writing, math, and study skills by providing tutoring in a supportive and technology- enabled learning environment.
Goals address the academic needs of the MCNY community through the ongoing assessment of student learning in writing and math; promote the practices of pre-writing, drafting, revising and editing as essential stages of the writing process; enable students to improve their math competency and quantitative reasoning skills;
Continued Goals Support faculty and staff in their integration of critical thinking and writing across the curriculum and foster independent learning and learning as a life-long process
What We Do Assist students of all programs and departments Provide tutoring in math and writing Assist students with course assignments Help with APA format Help students develop editing skills, research, document sources and avoid plagiarism One-on-one tutoring by appointment or walk-in Faculty Development: Educational Technology & Pedagogy
LEC Student Process Faculty Referral or Student Requests Help Tutor/Student Completes Sign-In Form Second Visit: Tutor/Student Completes Session Summary Student Works on Initial Assignment Second Visit: Tutor/Student Completes Learning Contract Student takes Pre-Tutoring Assessment Document Subsequent Student Sessions Including Assessment Areas Mastered Student takes Post-Tutoring Assessment Student Completes LEC Tutor Assessment Input Data into LEC Student Data Base LEC Staff Prepares Periodic Reports Tutor Sends Faculty Progress Report/ LEC collects Faculty Feedback Student Completes Self- Assessment
LEC Assessment My tutor demonstrated a strong commitment to helping me achieve my learning goal(s) 87% 13% 0%
LEC Assessment My tutor offered me appropriate supplemental materials to help me reach my goal(s) 80% 20% 0%
LEC Assessment The exercises my tutor prepared and assigned me were very beneficial to my goal(s) 89% 11% 0%
Students’ Comments “I’m in Purpose 6 now and the Learning Enhancement Center provided me the most professional and courteous services I have received since my admission”. I was offered creative ways to express my thoughts on paper”. __is the best tutor I have ever had. It’s been 18 years since I did my undergraduate. I wish I had met her years ago”.
In Progress Diagnostic Tests –Writing –Math Technology –Blackboard Server & Modules, Platoweb –Web Page, Blog, Wiki, Instant Messaging New Tutors New Project Director
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