Parts of A Book Tennessee S.P.I: rd Grade
What are the different parts of a book, and how do I use them?
Why do I need to know about the different parts of a book? Knowing the parts of a book help you find information faster and more efficiently. It will save you time and effort especially when it comes to writing your bibliography.bibliography
Click on the book to watch a BrainPOP video on nonfiction book parts.
Spine- is the backbone of the book lists the title and author of the book
Cover protects the pages of a book
Title Page Title Author/Editor/Illustrator Publisher Copyright Where published Located in front of book
Copyright date Date the book was printed
Author person who writes the book
Illustrator person who draws the pictures
Illustrations another word for pictures
Publisher Company that prints the book
Table of Contents List of chapters and page numbers Helps to know the main ideas covered at a glance Located in front of the book
Glossary Mini dictionary Dictionary format Includes new or unfamiliar words Listed in alphabetical order Meanings of important words from book Located in back of the book
Index Alphabetical list of chapters, names, events, topics in book Page numbers are included FAST way to find topic in book Located in back of the book
Practice Time!
Who writes the book? Illustrator Publisher Author
What is another word for pictures? objects illustrations paragraphs
What is the backbone of the book? Cover Spine Author
What is a mini dictionary? Glossary Title Page Table of Contents
List of chapters in a book title page table of contents glossary
Date the book was printed Publishing Date Due Date Copyright Date
Person who draws the pictures Illustrator Publisher Author
Company that prints the book Copyright Title Publisher
Alphabetical list of subjects index table of contents title page
Practice Games for parts of a book: Parts of a Book Activity #1 (Quia): Matching Matching Parts of a Book Activity #2 Parts of a Book Activity #3
Speedy Review Click on the picture below for a “speedy” review of the parts of a book
Student Assessment: BrainPOP Parts of Book Quiz (Easy) BrainPOP Parts of Book Quiz (Hard) Using Parts of a Book