Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. PowerPoint By Isabella
Martin grew up in Atlanta, Georgia.
When Martin was a young man he wanted a career helping people.
He felt as a minister he could speak out against racial injustice..
He was following the example of the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi.
Dr. King chose nonviolence as the keystone of his fight for civil rights.
Dr. King became a leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
In 1955 he helped to organize the famous Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott.
Freedom rides, sit-ins, and protest marches strengthened the battle against discrimination.
… And Dr. King once said……. I HAVE A DREAM!!!
THE END!!!!!
Sources: Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior; Author Ed Clayton, Illustrated by David Hodges Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior; Author Ed Clayton, Illustrated by David Hodges