Five Budget Smart Reasons to Vote for Recycling Education Presented by: Your name here Your here Your phone here This presentation funded by the NJ-DEP & produced by the Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education
Five Budget Smart Reasons to Vote for Recycling Education REASON 1: You get the money back. You get paid three times for recycling: 1.You can get between $30 and $60 per ton for recyclables you collect. 2.You save an average of $80 per ton by diverting from landfills or incinerators. 3.You get some tonnage grant cash. Icing on the solid waste cake!
Recycling has a “head start” of $110 to $140 per ton over garbage. You win by keeping recycling costs around $100 per ton. Five Budget Smart Reasons to Vote for Recycling Education REASON 2: It can reduce garbage disposal costs. A town with 10,000 households can pay for a $50,000 salary every year with savings.
Empty plastic jugs and bottles are still filled with oil. Let’s get oil from our recycling bins before paying $100 per barrel for imported oil. Five Budget Smart Reasons to Vote for Recycling Education REASON 3: Expensive gas means recycling pays more.
The density of apartments, office buildings and schools makes recycling collection cheaper. Office paper and cardboard are high value resources, not waste. Five Budget Smart Reasons to Vote for Recycling Education REASON 4: The numbers work even better for buildings.
We’re not done! We’re making “house calls” with expensive labor and trucks – and not filling them. Statewide goal: recycle 50% of municipal solid waste. But 5 out of 6 towns are below that! Investing in recycling education = increase our recycling rates – and savings! Five Budget Smart Reasons to Vote for Recycling Education REASON 5: We’re wasting money by not recycling more.