Welcome to Leadership Team Meeting 2 Auburn Wesley Foundation
Devotion Katie Hill
Announcement Structure Goals Plan announcements ahead of time Ensure that key announcements are made and emphasized Ensure that all announcements are made in an effective way
Announcement Structure 1. Events are thought about ahead of time
Announcement Structure 1. Events are thought about ahead of time 2. Events are brought up at bi-weekly Council Meetings
Announcement Structure 1. Events are thought about ahead of time 2. Events are brought up at bi-weekly Council Meetings 3. Council decides on what announcements will be made and prioritizes them
Announcement Structure 1. Events are thought about ahead of time 2. Events are brought up at bi-weekly Council Meetings 3. Council decides on what announcements will be made and prioritizes them 4. Announcements with higher priority are made creatively or verbally at weekly events 5. Other announcements are made via PowerPoint slides or print
Completely reworking the budget
Budget Completely reworking the budget Room for lots of thinking outside the box
Budget Completely reworking the budget Room for lots of thinking outside the box Room for new big ideas
Budget Completely reworking the budget Room for lots of thinking outside the box Room for new big ideas Opportunity to cut back to let something else expand
Availability Procrastination can kill availability Planning ahead can improve availability
Tips and Tricks to Stay on Track Keep responsibility for your area
Tips and Tricks to Stay on Track Keep responsibility for your area Make a Todo List to and check off what is complete
Todo List Exercise ItemDate due _____________________ __/__
Ministry Area Time Discuss upcoming events Figure out what details need to be taken care of Form an action plan as to how to make this happen
Next Meeting October 15 – 5:30
Closing Prayer
Thanks for coming Have a nice day