What does it mean to be scholarly? Having Characteristics of a scholar Related to academic study or research What are characteristics?
Character Traits Curiosity Academic Humility Set Goals Be Prepared Ponder Ideas Professionalism Multiple Resources Save Ideas Exercise Intellect Take Risks Multiple Perspectives
Pondering I spend time pondering, or thinking about ideas and problems.
Pondering Definition: Spending time thinking about ideas and problems Examples: How does this impact what I already know? How can I use this information?
Academic Humility I consider myself to be “half full” : I have more to learn.
Academic Humility Definition: You always have something more to learn Example: You will always learn something new. Glass Half Full
Goal Setting I have both long and short-term goals for myself.
Goal Setting Definition: Set long term and short term goals for yourself. Examples: Break your assignment into chunks Work on big assignments a little bit each night
Be Prepared I come to school prepared to learn with all my tools.
Be Prepared Definition: Coming to school with all of the materials needed to learn. Examples: Writing Utensils, Paper, Completed Homework, books and binders necessary for each class. Always having something to work on.
Multiple Resources I use a variety of resources.
Multiple Resources Definition: Finding information from a variety of sources. Examples: Books, encyclopedias, internet sources, videos, movies, etc. Primary and Secondary Sources
Curiosity I ask thoughtful questions.
Curiosity Definition: Asking questions about what you are learning. Examples: Asking questions that add meaning to what you are learning.
Save Ideas I save ideas and unfinished work so that I can come back to them later.
Save Ideas Definition: Keep track of all of your work Examples: Save all typed information to a flash drive, Google drive or computer. Keep all papers that are returned to you.
Multiple Perspectives I view ideas and problems from many different perspective s.
Multiple Perspectives Definition: Looking at things from various points of view and through different lenses. Examples: How would different group of people look at an issue? Teacher v. Student, Parent v. Child
Professionalism I shoot for the stars by doing the most professional work possible.
Professionalism Definition: All work is completed and meets the standards set by the teacher. All work is turned in on time. Examples: Papers, homework, quizzes etc. All work is typed or handwritten in blue or black ink.
Exercise Intellect I exercise my intellect by attempting challenging tasks.
Exercise Intellect Definition: Not taking the easy way out. Example: Always choose the more challenging task. Strive to achieve the best grades.
Take Risks I take intellectual risks by, “Thinking outside of the box”.
Take Risks Definition: Going outside of your comfort zone to try something new. Example: Go above and beyond what the teacher requires. If you have a different idea for a project or assignment ask the teacher about it.