Østfold Research Foundation STØ The Vision for the Leca Internatioanl Seminar Portugal 9-10 October 2000 From Problem focus To Focus on Solutions To Business Opportunities for Leca companies
Østfold Research Foundation STØ LECA PRODUCTS AS PROBLEM SOLVER IN SOCIETY A number of opportunities exists for reducing environmental and health problems? Use of energy from waste (substituting for coal is the best strategy for energy recovery in plastic after material recycling) Use of deposit materials (e.g. Mud from harbours?) Use of hazardous waste in the kilns as energy source Use of recycled materials as input to products Improved insulation properties of building materials Need further development and testing in process and product development, documentation and marketing
Østfold Research Foundation STØ The effect of recycling of LWA on CO2 emissions Without recycling = 800 kg CO2 on product 1 With recycling (800*0,2+20*0,8)= 176 kg on product 2 Product 1Virgin material 800 kg Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Virgin material 800 kg Virgin material 800 kg Virgin material 800 kg 100% 20% 80%, 20 kg
Østfold Research Foundation STØ GREEN PRODUCTS - AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LECA COMPANIES? What makes a product green? Use of waste energy, recycled materials, deposit materials etc. Well defined criteria necessary Two main strategies: Distribute all the beneficial materials evenly in all products, or concentrate them in a “green brand” portfolio with well defined markets How to make business - within existing organisations (in competition with traditional products) or in a new “Green daughter”? Develop Environmental Product Declarations for products
Østfold Research Foundation STØ BUILDINGS IN THE FUTURE - LONG LIVED OR SHORT LIVED? As the building sector wake up and recognise that 95% of environmental problems and economic costs are related to operation of buildings, and both family situations and business stability changes more rapidly, there might be a need for more flexible and even more short-lived buildings (10-20 years) LWA products and concrete elements will have good properties both in a long term perspective (100 years) and a short term perspective (20 years) Easier to reuse and recycle than other building materials? Need to test, document and market.
Østfold Research Foundation STØ ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES - FROM INTERNAL TO EXTERNAL FOCUS Untill today In the future
Østfold Research Foundation STØ How to implement business opportunities Which types of solutions? How to make business opportunities real business? What is needed from an organisational point of view?
Østfold Research Foundation STØ 2. Driving forces - from “regarded as” to “documented as” -Increased marked demand for more eco-effective solutions in the building sector. - The population and welfare growth in the global society in the next years will demand 4-10 times more eco-effective solutions. -In 1999, several Environmental Management Tools have been standardised according to ISO series (14025, 14031, ) -The Kyoto protocol implementation in European politics will make solutions with energy savings and reductions in CO2 emissions more important. -Implementation of the so called “Habitat 21” report, with guidelines for public policy
Østfold Research Foundation STØ Background for the Factor 4/10 approach - operating Sustainable Development Global population will double before 2040, from 6 billions to 12 billions (2X) Global welfare will in average increase with a factor of 2,5 before 2040 (2,5X) There is at present already a need for a 50% reduction in environmental burdens to the environment (2X) Faktor 10 (2040) = 2 * 2,5 * 2
Østfold Research Foundation STØ Faktor 4/10 utvikling i øko-effektivitet
Østfold Research Foundation STØ GOAL FOR THE MAIN PROJECT The main aim of the project is to take care of the business opportunities of Leca products in relation to environmental challenges in the European region, by developing, documenting and marketing Eco-effective solutions with basis in Leca products.
Østfold Research Foundation STØ THE MAIN GOAL SHOULD BE ACHIEVED THROUGH: Building up expertise and capacity in companies Contribute to the development of product oriented environmental strategies Improve the quality and gather experiences with application of a common data models and data formats Development of formats for and examples on communication of environmental data for Leca products and companies Contribute to integration in educational programs about Leca products strong sides
Østfold Research Foundation STØ MAIN ELEMENTS IN THE PROJECT PLAN THE MAIN PROJECT IS PROPOSED TO CONSIST OF THREE MAIN ELEMENTS: Documentation of environmental profiles of products and businesses Communication of environmental profiles of products and businesses Improvement of environmental profiles of products and companies (strategic development)
Østfold Research Foundation STØ I. DATA DOCUMENTATION Carry out LCA projects for the companies that did not carry out LCA studies in the pilot phase of the project. Upgrade and improve the quality of LCA data base of 1 ton Leca products for each participating company, to be represented in the data format developed in pilot study
Østfold Research Foundation STØ II.DATA COMMUNICATION Develop formats and methodologies for Environmental Product Declarations. Develop formats and methodologies for Environmental Performance Indicators based on life cycle considerations Develop a catalogue of environmental information and LCA data for the most important combinations of Leca products and applications Develop educational material and documentation of environmental aspects of Leca products for internal management and external marketing applications
Østfold Research Foundation STØ III. IMPROVEMENT OF PRODUCTS AND STRATEGIES Develop input to integration of product oriented environmental strategies in business strategies
Østfold Research Foundation STØ PROJECT PLAN - GANTT DIAGRAM