Sustainable Development Partnership Exploring Ways to improve lives of existing social tenants
Sustainable Development Partnership Exploring Ways to improve lives of existing social tenants:- 1.Finding Ways to continue to invest in exiting housing 2.Rethinking investment, improving environment 3.Thinking creatively about ways to ensure social tenants access work and learning 4.Exploring ways to raise horizons and aspirations
Sustainable Development Partnership Continued/Rethinking Investment Why is Decent Homes Important Improves homes. Creates jobs. Creates apprentices. Improves health. Improves estate security. Improves the environment. Impact on c50,000 people
Sustainable Development Partnership Continued/Rethinking Investment The Issues Lewisham’s LAA has set a baseline of 50% of homes being non decent with targets to reduce this to 46% 2008/09, 42% 2009/10 and 30% 2010/11. These targets will not be achieved. Lewisham Homes needs to achieve 2 stars to unlock £145M in 2010/11. However, with the economic environment and possible political change the money may not be there. So what is plan B?
Sustainable Development Partnership Continued/Rethinking Investment More Issues The gearing up to spend the £145M starts in April 2009 and will raise customers expectations. Not being able to deliver will have a negative impact. Meeting the decent homes standard is not enough– residents do not just want new kitchens and bathrooms - the surrounding environment and improving the places in which people live are equally important Need to explore how investment can be raised and joined up to invest in homes and environments if the decent homes money is reduced or not there.
Sustainable Development Partnership Access to Work and Learning Worklessness The LSP Board has adopted worklessness as a cross cutting theme This focuses on the highest concentrations of unemployment in Lewisham This relates to Social housing and an action plan to explore ways of working with social landlord partners is being explored. Lewisham Homes would offer a strong pilot partner for this work The SDP board may wish to champion a preferred partner to the LSP Board
Sustainable Development Partnership Access to Work and Learning CEL Range of family learning, including language, literacy and numeracy Preparing for work 4 main centres across borough including schools and community venues
Sustainable Development Partnership Raise Horizons and Aspirations Children and Young People’s Plan Early intervention and family support Raising aspirations and closing the gaps Reducing child poverty and its impact Strengthening the positive influence of young people
Sustainable Development Partnership Raise Horizons and Aspirations Children and Young People’s Plan Inspiring young people to become aspirational citizens Close the gaps for those at risk of poorer outcomes Raise the aspirations of parents and families for their children’s future Raise educational standards to national levels and beyond for all children Break the cycle of poverty Remove the barriers to work Mitigate the effects of poverty Develop pathways to success Identify early those families who need support Ensure there is tailored support at a local level
Sustainable Development Partnership What added value can Partnership Board bring? Play a role in helping to secure investment funding by exploring other options/vehicles Explore ways in which funding streams could be joined up to improve places and not just homes Input into work across other thematic partnerships and provide challenge How are we targetting support across the Partnership How do we plan for population growth and impact on services Bringing in other agencies eg DWP