Ian White Publisher, Journals (Education) Routledge/Taylor & Francis
Publishing in Academic Journals Tips to help you Publish Successfully August, 2009
Slides Audience and Type of Publication Choosing the Correct Journal Assessing the Best Journal for your Article Writing for your Chosen Journal Preparing the Journal Manuscript Top Ten Reasons Why Journal Articles are Rejected And Finally!
Audience and Type of Publication Local, UK, international Teachers, researchers, general public Magazine article Books Research note Literature review Journal article: Do you –Write an article for a specific journal –Find a journal for your article
Choosing the Correct Journal Research the journals in your field –Library –Websites –Talk to Peers Type of journal –General –Niche Familiarise yourself with the aims and scope of journals in your area Choose the ‘Best’ journal for your article
Assessing the Best Journal for Your Article What is the circulation/readership? Is it international? Is it peer reviewed? How long will this take? Who is the Editor? Who is on the Editorial Board? Who Publishes in the Journal? Is it listed in the Social Science Citation Index? Available online and/or printed? Is it published by a major publisher or association?
Writing for Your Chosen Journal Look at previous papers to get a feel for what is accepted Check the aims and scope again Take note of maximum extent of the submission Follow any submission guidelines –Check if the submission is to an online editorial office, many now use ManuscriptCentral™, or Editorial Manager™ Quote from previous papers published in the journal Send an abstract to the editor? (some editors do not encourage this)
Preparing the Journal Manuscript Read the note to contributors Write an abstract: this is a skill, it shouldn’t be the same as the conclusion! Ensure references cited in text, appear in bibliography Expand any acronyms, remember it is an international audience Check spelling and grammar Take care when choosing the title, remember academics may find it via a search engine
Manuscript Preparation Cont’d. Figures, tables and photographs –Check they are ALL present –Place in a separate file –Do not embed in the text of the manuscript –Consider how they will appear in the journal –Ensure you have the correct © copyright clearance Ask a colleague to read paper prior to submission
Peer Review What system (if any) does the Journal employ? e.g. “double anonymous” –How many reviewers will review my paper –How long will it take? –What kind of response can I expect? –What if I get rejected/accepted?
Top Ten Reasons Why Journal Articles are Rejected 1Sent to wrong journal 2Not a proper article (i.e. too journalistic, or clearly a thesis chapter, or a consultancy report) 3Too long (ignoring word limits for the particular journal) or too short 4Poor regard to conventions of journal (failure to consult Notes for Contributors) or to conventions of academic writing generally 5Bad style, grammar, punctuation; poor English (not corrected by native speaker) 6Fails to say anything of significance (i.e. makes no new contribution to the subject) or states the obvious at tedious length 7Not properly contextualised (e.g. concentrates on parochial interests and ignores the needs of an international or generally wider readership) 8No theoretical framework (including references to relevant literature) 9Scrappily presented and clearly not proofread 10Libellous, unethical, rude
Some accepted protocols It is a pre-condition of submission for peer-reviewed journals that your paper has not been previously published. (this includes in online form) Do not submit your paper to more than one journal at a time –Your paper should not be under consideration by another journal at the time of submission
© Copyright (Most publishers require some form of either copyright assignment or license to publish from authors.) –Check the notes for contributors and any Publisher’s copyright policy and author rights documents carefully. These can usually be found on Publishers’ web sites, e.g. pyright_position~db=all
And Finally! Do NOT get disillusioned by rejection Be prepared to re-write or alter your paper Make use of the referee’s comments Try again Good luck! –There IS a journal out there for you. Somewhere!