Heating Cost for 5000 Gallons of Water at 100 o T $ % 90% 80% $30.87$29.15 Thermal Efficiency Daily Operating $0.63/Therm
“What Happens to Water When Heated” Heated water becomes more corrosive... More electrically conductive... Expels dissolved gases... Precipitates dissolved solids
85% of water in USA contains dissolved minerals Hardness - Calcium & Magnesium (grains/gallon) Total Dissolved Solids - All other minerals (mgl or ppm)
Pounds of Lime Deposited vs.... Temperature and Water Usage 180 o F 170 o F 160 o F 150 o F 140 o F 120 o F
Engineering Considerations Heat Transfer Surface Copper Combustion Process
Tank-Type Water Heaters Extremely Susceptible to Scale - Minimal Velocity Thin construction Low Thermal Efficiency Short life
Scale Accumulation vs. Efficiency Temperature of flue gas Distance Fireside Waterside Heat Transfer Surface Scale buildup without scale with scale
Operating Costs of a Commercial Water Heater $ $ 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 38% 5/8” 48% 60% 74% Source: Engineered Systems May/June 1988 Efficiency Loss % Scale Accumulation in Inches The Energy Robber!
Original Price vs. Long Term Cost Decrease in Thermal Efficiency 5% 10% 7.5% 6%9.3% 12.8% Increase in Fuel Cost for Life of Product
How to Control Scale The rate of scaling increases with temperature and usage. In water tube-type equipment, this can be offset by increasing the water flow over the heat transfer surfaces, as this reduces the tube surface temperatures. The turbulence of the flow, if high enough, works to keep scale that does precipitate off the surface.
Water Heating Equipment Design Goals Make the Heating Surface Self Cleaning Allow Room for Scale and Sediment to Fall Out Incorporate a Means to Clean out Sediment Lower the Heat Flux Rates
Circulating Tank Concept (Separate Water Heater and Tank) Flexibility in Equipment Selection Equipment Longevity Continued Efficiency Component Serviceability Ease of Installation Ease of Maintenance
High Efficiency Circulating Tank Water Heater Scrubbing Action Copper-fin Unit StorageTank ContinuousPump
Copper-Fin Heat Exchanger Near Perfect Heat Transfer Surface Thermal Conductivity Higher Than Steel/Cast Iron More Surface Area Corrosion Resistant Proven Heat Exchanger Design
Copper Heat Exchanger Principle Controlled velocity scouring action Constant temperature monitoring Impervious to thermal shock Low water content Low standby loss
Heat Exchanger Construction ASME Code Section IV 160# working pressure, 240# test pressure “O” Ring and Gasketless construction Straight tube, 7/8” inside diameter, balanced flow
“Straight-Tube” vs. “Coil-Type” Maintenance Deliming Kits and Tees Pressure Drop Serviceability Continued Efficiency
Benefits of Scrubbing vs Non- Scrubbing Water Heater Design Equipment Longevity Ease of Maintenance Continued Efficiency
What vent options are available? Conventional - Category I Side-Wall - Category III & IV Direct Vent Sealed Combustion - Category I, III, & IV Outdoor
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