Terms Propositions Fallacies Miscellaneous
Question Column A set of statements in which a claim is made, support is offered for it, and there is an attempt to influence someone in a context of disagreement with each other.
Answer Column What is argument?
Question Column Facts, beliefs, or statements generally accepted as true by the recipients; conclusions previously established.
Answer Column What is evidence?
Question Column What the claim is labeled in extended arguments – what is being debated about
Answer Column What is a proposition?
Question Column Our present policies and beliefs are acceptable until proven otherwise Daily Double
Answer Column What is presumption?
Question Column When one side proves its point, the other side must disprove it
Answer Column What is burden of rebuttal?
Question Column Debate class should be mandatory
Answer Column What is policy?
Question Column The welfare system will reform to a food stamp system.
Answer Column What is fact?
Question Column All athletes should have a physical before beginning their season.
Answer Column What is policy?
Question Column The Beatles are the best group of all time.
Answer Column What is value?
Question Column The rainforests are being cut down due to a rise in paper demand.
Answer Column What is fact?
Question Column Lebron James wears Nike. Thus, they are the best shoes.
Answer Column What is appeal to authority/false authority?
Question Column Who is Bill Clinton to talk about fidelity? He cheated on his wife and then lied about it.
Answer Column What is look who’s talking?
Question Column You cannot prove that Ford makes the best trucks. Therefore, they don’t make the best trucks. Daily Double
Answer Column What is appeal to ignorance?
Question Column Voters elected President Bush in At the peak of his presidency the events of September 11, 2001 occurred. Therefore, President Bush was the reason terrorists attacked our country.
Answer Column What is faulty cause/post hoc?
Question Column My student teacher told me that I must study for her mid-term or I’ll be doomed to repeat the 12 th grade.
Answer Column What is either/or?
Question Column You’re always telling me to drive slower when you’re the one who goes 15 miles over the speed limit and has several speeding tickets.
Answer Column What is look who’s talking?
Question Column If we lower the drinking age, then before you know it thousands of teens will be getting drunk every day and will cause chaos throughout the town.
Answer Column What is slippery slope/snowball argument?
Question Column I can’t believe I have a bad grade in debate class. Missing one homework assignment really did me in.
Answer Column What is faulty cause/single cause.
Question Column I went on a tour at the zoo. The tour guide was mean and ugly which made us never want to go back because all of the tour guides will be that way.
Answer Column What is hasty generalization?
Question Column Aquafina is the best water. It tastes the best. Daily Double
Answer Column What is circular argument/begging the question.
Question Column What are the three methods of reasoning?
Answer Column Generalization, analogy, causal
Question Column What type of proposition is this, “Immigration laws are being reformed due to the amount of illegal people crossing into the United States”?
Answer Column What is factual?
Question Column What type of fallacy is used? Eighty three percent of the population buys foreign cars. Foreign cars must be better made than American cars.
Answer Column What is appeal to the crowd (ad populum)?
Question Column What kind of fallacy is used? Teachers have the most difficult job. So what you’re saying is that anyone who isn’t a teacher is a slacker with an easy, mindless, no stress job?
Answer Column What is straw man?
Question Column Name the four steps that lead to defining a causal relationship.
Answer Column What is coincidence, association, correlation, and causation?