New England Section 2.3
Main Idea The Pilgrims founded colonies in Massachusetts based on Puritan religious ideals, while dissent led to the founding of other New England colonies.
Puritan Roots The Church of England (Anglican Church) was the official religion of the land. People in England were required to pay taxes to the church and attend services. Some Protestants did not agree with the luxury and wealth that the church leaders flaunted. They became known as Puritans, because they wanted to “purify” religion.
The Pilgrims Set Sail In 1620, a group of 101 left Europe to voyage to the Americas. A pilgrim is one who travels for religious purposes; these pilgrims sought to practice their faith without the interference of England. A joint-stock company was formed. Their ship, the Mayflower, got lost and landed in what is now known as Massachusetts.
You Know the Story…. The 1 st winter was rough, half died. The local Indians were empathetic, and gave them food. The next year was successful, and they help a huge thanksgiving feast to celebrate.
Mayflower Compact Before the Pilgrims landed in Mass., they agreed to a type of government. The Mayflower Compact stated that the people would consent (agree) on the laws. Although technically under the power of the King they would need to make their own laws. Like the House of Burgesses, Iroquois League, and Magna Carta, the M Comp was another important step toward American democracy.
Great Migration The success of the Puritans led to more migrants to Massachusetts. John Winthrop led a settlement that became Boston. This group also practiced limited democracy.
Connecticut The Puritans in Mass. Closely tied their religion to law. Strict codes were enforced for behavior, and hard work was required. Some wished for a greater separation of church and government. A group moved away from Mass. and founded Connecticut by creating the 1 st constitution of the new world. Voting rights were given to all free men.
Rhode Island Others left Mass. for similar reasons and founded RI. Anne Hutchinson openly spoke out against the Puritan Church, and was banished to RI. RI became the 1 st colony to officially adopt freedom of religion, attracting many Jews and Catholics.
Royal Colonies New Hampshire became the 1 st royal colony; it was directly controlled by the King of England.
Salem Witch Trials Superstition often went along with the unknown- that is true of New England. In 1692, many women were accused of witchcraft, leading to their execution with little evidence.
Colonial Life Some communities required a basic elementary education. Harvard and Yale were both established by churches and offered opportunity to the elite. Most areas were governed by town meetings, an early form of direct democracy in which all eligible citizens had a vote on laws.
Pequot War The settlers soon forgot the help the Indians had given and conflicts soon arose. In 1637 the Puritans surrounded a nearby Indian fort and set it on fire and murdered hundreds. In 1675 another rash of attacks achieved the settlers goal of eliminating most Indians from NE.