Minnesota Tammy Ott 4 th Grade 2010
Minnesota was the 32 nd state in the United States. It became a state on October 13, 1857.
State Population The population of Minnesota is 4,919,479.
State Capital St. Paul is the capital of Minnesota.
State Flag This is the Minnesota state flag.
State Seal The state motto, “L'Etoile du Nord” meaning “Star of the North,” is depicted on the seal.
State Flower The Minnesota state flower is the pink and white lady slipper.
State Bird The common loon is the Minnesota state bird.
State Tree The Norway Pine, also known as the Red Pine, is the Minnesota state tree.
Extra Ideas Animal Butterfly Fish Mushroom Governor Sport teams Attractions or landmarks
Minnesota State Quarter
Baseball Team
Hockey Team
State Fish The Walleye is the state fish.
The monarch is the state butterfly.
Governor Tim Pawlenty