NAS Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI) 30 November 2010 Gregory W. Withee Co-Chair, USGEO International Working Group Director, International Programs, DOI/USGS 1
Presentation Topics Background of GEO and USGEO Ministerial Summit and GEO VII –Participation –Outcomes –Side meetings/Announcements 2
What is GEO? The intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a voluntary partnership of 80 Member governments and the European Commission, working with 58 Participating Organizations GEO is coordinating efforts to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems, or GEOSS A forum to develop new projects, coordinate strategies and investments What is GEOSS? A distributed system of systems –Improves coordination of strategies & observation systems –Links all platforms: in situ, aircraft, & satellite networks –Identifies gaps in our global capacity –Facilitates exchange of data & information –Improves decision-makers’ abilities to address pressing policy issues 3
4 A Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
5 in the U.S. Federal Structure National Science and Technology Council 25 Federal agencies and agency components Committee on Environment and Natural Resources The White House/Executive Office of the President
6 USGEO Interagency Coordination Strategic Assessment USGEO has expanded existing evaluation and assessment methodologies to better understand the costs and benefits of closing identified gaps in Earth observing capabilities and to prioritize future investment opportunities based on this framework. This strategic assessment will further develop the U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System (IEOS), which harmonizes Federal government investments in Earth observations and comprises the U.S. National contribution to GEOSS. Address continuity of current measurements as well as the need for new measurements Focus near-term decision-making at the highest levels of government Maximize Federal investment in Earth observations Provide an integrated picture of national Earth observations priorities Assessment Goals Consider measurements from all types of platforms: space-based, airborne, subterranean, land and sea-based
7 U.S. Supports GEO and GEOSS SERVIR GEONETCast North American Drought Monitor AIRNow—International ….Contributing to many tasks in the GEO Work Plan: GEO 2010 Ministerial Task Force GEO Data Sharing Task Force Host of GEO-VI Plenary in Nov 2009
Earth Observation Beijing Ministerial Summit and Plenary “Observe Share Inform” Minister invitations from S&T Minister China – 85 GEO Countries plus EC and 61 Participating Organizations 54 delegations and 448 individuals attended (record) Summit: November 5, 2010 GEO Plenary: Nov 3,4 and GEO Executive Committee Nov 2 8
2010 GEO Ministerial Summit Beijing – Objectives Assessing progress on the GEOSS 10-year Implementation Plan ( ) Supporting the continuation of an operational GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) Endorsing actions in support of the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles Declaring role for GEO in Carbon observing system Laying the framework for the implementation of the GEOSS in the period (and beyond ). 9
U.S. Delegation Sherburne Abbott - OSTP, US cochair of GEO David Hayes – co lead of the US Delegation and Deputy Secretary DOI Dr. Marcia McNutt - Director, USGS, DOI Lawrence Robinson – Assistant Secretary DOC Dr. Steven Koonin – Undersecretary DOE Representatives from NASA, NOAA, USGS, USDA, EPA, NIH, NSF, Smithsonian
Summit Outcomes Beijing Declaration –Declared support to full and open data sharing and established GEOSS Data CORE –Specifically highlighted some priority projects, including forest carbon, GEOBON, and Global Land Cover Initiative –Resolved to review recommendations for future role of GEO beyond 2015 US announced two initiatives: SilvaCarbon, and Global Land Cover 11
GEO Plenary VII Outcomes 5 new members recognized; 3 new participating organizations accepted GEOSS Data Sharing Action Plan accepted with minor adjustments – Data Sharing Task Force extended 1 year Forest Carbon Tracking and Global Forest Observation Initiative accepted Unveiling of Critical Earth Observation Priorities (document available) GEO VII Turkey and GEO IX Brazil 12
Notable side meetings/announcements GEO Ministerial Summit Press Briefing Symposium on Data Sharing USGS signing ceremony with CEODE Announcement: – Global Land-Cover Data Initiative – 30 m land cover data sets –Announcement of US initiative called SilvaCarbon 13