Citing Online Resources Rachel Shankles Lakeside High School Hot Springs, AR
Handoutsshould be altered to fit your situation and your resources, along with what your research teachers (English, History, Speech, Foreign Language) expect from the students. They can also be altered to meet the needs of the level of students you service.
Points Separate Print and Non-print (Online-CD:ROM) citations on your style sheets Make style sheets readily available all the time in the library for pickup (sample in your packet) Teach MLA in library orientation classes and review for upper grades during research times Help them understand MLA for Online resources by showing them these shortcuts I have altered my handouts to reflect these shortcuts.
CITING ELECTRONIC SOURCES Refer to the handout Copy the “Source Citation” from any Gale database and change it easily In EBSCO you have to know which database inside it you use but it is thru the service called ASL-Traveler Gale Discovering Series, sometimes called Infotrac is free to all AR schools thru Traveler I purchase other Gale databases that I have to list the service as Thomson Gale
You now have to take this Source Citation and make sure if it gives an author that it is last name first. Then check for the subscription service--- since Gale Discovery Series is a free database to all schools in the state thru the Ark State Library, the service is called Arkansas State Library – Traveler. Then you insert your library name, city, state and a period. Next you go to that long URL and cut it back to since it is a privately subscribed service (remember to add the >. at the end.
How to Cite EBSCO Online Journal article: Pattern: FirstAuthorLastName, FirstAuthorFirstName, and SecondAuthorFirstName Second AuthorLastName. "Title of the article." Journal title VolumeNum.IssueNum (Publication date): StartPage-EndPage. Database Name. Service, Library name,City, State. Day Month Year. Example: Crainer, Stuart, and Des Dearlove. "Windfall Economics." Business Strategy Review 14.4 (Jan. 5, 2003): MAS, ASL- Traveler, LHS Library, Hot Springs, AR. 5 November 2005.
Online Newspaper article: Pattern: FirstAuthorLastName, FirstAuthorFirstName, and SecondAuthorFirstName Second AuthorLastName. "Title of the article." Newspaper title PublicationDay Month Year: StartPage-EndPage. Database Name. Service, Library, city, state. DayMonth Year. Example: Kolata, Gina. "Experts Unlock Clues to Spread of 1918 Flu Virus." New York Times 6 October 2005: A1-A20. Academic Search Premier, ASL-Traveler, LHS Library, Hot Springs, AR. 5 November
MLA CITATION on Infotrac Discovering Series