Dissemination of Population Census Results and Cooperation with Mass Media Cooperation with Mass Media Irina Zbarskaya Federal State Statistics Service, Russia
INFORMATION AND EXPLANATORY WORK FOR POPULATION CENSUS 2010 Information and explanatory work for preparation and conduct of the pilot Population Census Information and explanatory work for preparation and conduct of the All-Russia Population Census Analysis of information and explanatory work and its effectiveness
Thematic volumes with final results of All-Russia Population Census on hard copies, CD-ROM Thematic volumes with final results of All-Russia Population Census on hard copies, CD-ROM (3 years after census) Results of All-Russia Population Census on Web-site Results of All-Russia Population Census on Web-site Online microdata of All-Russia Population Census access for the external researches and the general public with confidentiality by the SuperSTAR (till the next Population Census) Online microdata of All-Russia Population Census access for the external researches and the general public with confidentiality by the SuperSTAR (till the next Population Census) Publication of All-Russia Population Census preliminary results in the government newspaper «Russian newspaper» (6 months after census) in the government newspaper «Russian newspaper» (6 months after census) Special reports with basic results of All-Russia Population Census in the publishing and electronic issues Publication of All-Russia Population Census final basic results Publication of All-Russia Population Census final basic results in the government newspaper «Russian newspaper» (1,5 years after census) in the government newspaper «Russian newspaper» (1,5 years after census) DISSEMINATION OF ALL-RUSSIA POPULATION CENSUS Iphase IIphase IIIphase
Exhibitions Photo fairs Press-tours Roundtables Press-conferences Creative competitions («Best comics», «Best poster», etc. Sociological interview of population POPULARISATION OF ALL-RUSSIA POPULATIN CENSUS-2010 RESULTS Web-site Thematic Programs and broadcasting by radio and TV Souvenirs (booklets, calendars, badges, etc.) International meetings « GET TO KNOW RUSSIA» Billboards advertising in largest cities
Results presented in publishing and electronic mass media Results presented in brochures, booklets, electronic media Hard copy thematic volumes Atlas with cartographical presentation of census results Results on free accessible Web-site POPULARISATION OF ALL-RUSSIA POPULATION CENSUS 2010 Presentation of census results at international meetings