Analyzing Newspaper Editorials Using the AC Library database Facts on File Amarillo College Library
About newspaper editorials Most newspapers have a staff of writers who compose daily editorials. They generally reflect the official view of the newspaper. They are separate from the newspaper’s staff of journalists, whose task it is to report factual information.
About newspaper editorials Analyzing and comparing editorials from different newspapers can help readers form an opinion of their own on social issues, politics and policy issues.
Assignment printable handout printable handout 1. Pick an editorial topic from this link on the Facts on File database. Facts on File Note: Your instructor may want you to choose from a particular subject area or he or she may want you to choose from the current year or another specific year. Read their instructions. Log-in to the database using the same AC user name and password you use for AC Online and WebAdvisor.
Assignment 2. Choose the subject (or year) 3. Read each of the three or four short editorials
Assignment 4. List the topic, date(s) and names of the newspapers. Example: Reporter Shield Law Debated by Senate Star Tribune Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, November 8, 2009 The Grand Rapids Press Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 1, 2009 Boston Herald Boston, Massachusetts, October 31,, 2009 The Register-Guard Eugene, Oregon, October 7, 2009
Assignment 5. Write an analysis. a.Name which editorial was the most convincing to you. For example, it might have included the most detail, it might have informed you about something you knew nothing about, agreed with your previous opinion or changed your mind.
Assignment b. Briefly discuss the editorials. For example, could you determine which one appeared to be the most conservative opinion and which one was the most liberal? Did the newspaper city or state have any effect on opinions reflected? Did a particular writer seem to be more intent on blasting an opponent rather than make his/her own case? Did they use facts? If so, did they do it neutrally or ignore widely know facts? Was the language used inflammatory or reasonable?
Assignment c. Last, list at least three questions you have about the topic that you could research to find more information.
For research help Amarillo College Library Washington St. Campus West Campus toll-free Adapted with permission from "Analyzing Newspaper Editorials." World News Digest. Facts On File News Services, n.d. Web. 25 July