Warmup “If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.” – Edward Hopper What is your definition of art? What kind of art do you like to view? Think pictures, video, photos, sculpture, etc. Give some reasons to support your choice. How can the same art be interpreted differently?
Content Language Objective Explain in writing how visuals appeal to and target audiences after analyzing several magazine advertisements
Notebook paper Take notes by answering the following questions for each image presented: Where does your eye go to? What do you notice first, second, and third? What are some of your initial feelings? What could this be advertising?
Quickwrite All three slides were advertising the same corporation. Which corporation do you think it is? What are they are the physically selling? What idea are they selling? How do the two work together to create a message?
United Colors of Benetton Even if those who produce images shape the messages those images convey, those of us who “read” them are by no means passive. Human vision is selective: to some extent, we actively shape what we see. Design an advertisement of your own for United Colors of Benetton based on (but not a copy of) the advertisements. Write a brief paragraph in which you discuss why you designed your ad the way you did. Use details for support and specific background information from your life to explain your understanding.
Paragraph Design an advertisement of your own for United Colors of Benetton based on (but not a copy of) the advertisements. Write a brief paragraph in which you discuss why you designed your ad the way you did. Use details for support and specific background information from your life to explain your understanding.