Supporting education and research JISC Strategy for Support of eResearch Nicole Harris JISC Programme Manager
6 October 2004SWITCH visit2 JISC Supports further and higher education (post-16) in use of ICT. Guidance, advice and development. Communities: teaching, learning, research and administration within UK institutions. Six sub-committees, one of which dedicated to support of research.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit3 A (very) brief history of JCSR JISC Committee for the Support of Research set up in March 2002 in response to a review of JISC. Chaired by Tony Hey, Director of UK eScience Core Programme. Funds a range of projects, services, studies to ‘support research’….
6 October 2004SWITCH visit4 Supporting Research? 7 research councils (and one research board) in the UK to promote and fund research in major subject areas. Supported by e-Science Core Programme, which is developing technical solutions to enable e-Science. Role of JCSR is to provide support in relation to ICT to allow this research and activity to happen – both for e- Science and wider ICT needs.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit5 Supporting Research? CCLRC NERC PPARC EPSRC AHRB BBSRC MRC eS CP JCSR Royal Academy Engineering, Wellcome Trust, British Library, SURF, NeSC
6 October 2004SWITCH visit6 JISC Strategy New JISC Strategy launched in April of this year: 2004 – 2006 with FIVE strategic aims: –To develop solutions that help enable the UK education and research communities to keep their activities world class through the innovative use of ICT. –To provide advice to institutions to enable them to make economic, efficient and legally compliant use of ICT, respecting both the individual’s and corporate rights and responsibilities. –To help the sector provide positive, personalised user learning experiences and to aid student progression. –To develop mutually advantageous partnerships with organisations in the UK and abroad. –To advise, inform and help implement the strategies of government, funding councils and research councils.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit7 Aim 1: innovative ICT solutions Projects investigating wider potential of ‘grid’ applications (semantic grid programme). Core Middleware Programmes (akin to AAI initiative). Common Services Development. Virtual Research Environments. National Grid Service.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit8 Aim 2: Providing Advice Videoconferencing Centre (access grid). Text Mining Centre. Digital Curation Centre. Training and Awareness Programmes (eSocial Science, Arts and Humanities). NeSC Awareness Post.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit9 Aim 3: Positive Personalised User Learning Experiences Virtual Research Environments. Evaluating Frameworks: SAKAI. Cross-discipline frameworks: eLearning and Digital Libraries. Human Factors Audit.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit10 Aim 4: Developing Partnerships UKLight. AHRB support post. Joint funding with research councils, e-Science Core Programme across all work. National and International partners in programmes.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit11 Aim 5: Advising and Informing UK Strategies. eScience in Education: Schools Demonstrators. Open Access: studies and developments. EGEE Network Activity. Informing e-Science Core Programme work.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit12 Key areas of concern Security; Middleware and Common Services; Data Curation / Data Handling; Visualisation; Collaborative Environments; Knowledge Management; Human Factors / HCI; Training and Awareness.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit13 Outside JCSR? Network Development: JCN (SuperJANET 5). Wireless networking: JCN. Open Source Support: JCIIE and OMII. Wider middleware development: next generation access management system for UK. Wider digital preservation work.
6 October 2004SWITCH visit14 Questions?? More information: Nicole Harris: