28-Oct-15 2 OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Introduction Update on the recommendation of the Third Cabinet Retreat on MOTIE Update on other activities of MOTIE Way forward on MOTIE activities in PAGE MOTIE
INTRODUCTION This presentation provides an update on implementation of the recommendations of the Third Cabinet Retreat relating the trade sector and on the activities that MOTIE is implementing towards the attainment of Vision 2020 National Trade Policy, Industrial policy and Investment Act, as well as the Employment policy provide the policy framework for MOTIE,s medium term strategies for vision Objective is to improve competitiveness, attract investment and promote the diversification of the productive and export base to increase domestic exports. MTP and UNIDO Country programme is being implemented to achieve these objectives. 28-Oct-15 MOTIE3
Update on the recommendation of the Third Cabinet Retreat on MOTIE GIEPA is now fully operational since it’s launching in July 2010 with all the four directorates are staffed GIEPA is leading the process of developing the National Export Strategy (NES) with the support of Commonwealth secretariat. Preliminary consultations on NES held in January and regional consultations conducted in all regions in June – July A drafting team for NES has been constituted and a draft national Export Strategy prepared in October Validation of final document expected in first quarter of 2012, and implementation thereof. 28-Oct-15 MOTIE4
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF MOTIE 1. Strengthen competitiveness and support productive sector for trade, growth and development MOTIE has completed the formulation of a Medium Term Plan to implement the National Trade Policy of The Ministry has also used the MTP to provide input into the PAGE on issues relating to the trade sector MTP is expected to be funded through the GCP, EIF Trust Fund for Tier two projects as well as under the Aid for Trade Initiative. Four projects proposals have already been developed by the EIF NIU. Sector Competitiveness and Export Diversification project submitted to the EIF Board for funding. This project will provide support for cashew nuts, groundnuts and sesame in the areas of product quality enhancement, diversification, value addition and identification of new export opportunities as well as trade Information system. 28-Oct-15 MOTIE5
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF MOTIE Cont. 2. The development of national standards to facilitate trade Gambia Standards Bureau is now operational (Board appointed in August 2011 and DG recruited in October Arrangement for recruitment of Technical staff has started and development of national standards will start in Update the Weight and Measures Act MOTIE has secured the Support of the West African Quality Programme to review and update the Act. A consultant has been recruited and consultations with the stakeholders started this week. The review and update of the Act and its Regulation will complete in the first quarter of Oct-15 MOTIE6
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF MOTIE Cont. 4. Establishment of a Labour Market Information System (LMIS) The framework for the LMIS developed in November A consultant has been recruited by GAMJOBs in August 2011 to develop a Technical Operational Manual for the LMIS which is currently completed. Implementation of the labour information System will start in Growth and Competitiveness Project Objective is to improve the investment climate and strengthen the competitiveness of key sectors of the Gambian Economy. Project launched in March 2011 and consist of three components - Improving the Business Environment (US$3.0m), Strengthening Economic Cluster (US$8.0m), and Project Implementation (US$1.0m). 28-Oct-15 MOTIE7
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF MOTIE Cont. Under component 1 – Consists of Business Environment Reform Program and Support for Investment Promotion and Facilitation. The objective is to reduce the costs and delays for businesses to start up and operate in The Gambia as well as the time taken and costs associated with compliance with tax regulations. Single Window Business Registration Committee chaired by MOJ has thus been set up. The TOR for the Modernization of the Business and Secured Lending Registration System has been approved by International Development Agency (IDA). Preparation to contract a firm that will develop the software and support the implementation of the Single Window Business Registration is advanced. And is expected to complete by end December Under Component 2 – Consists of Matching Grant Facility and support to the tourism sector. Matching Grant Facility is to provide support to qualifying MSMEs and eligible private enterprises to enable these firms to become more competitive, grow their businesses, create jobs and increase household incomes. 28-Oct-15 MOTIE8
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF MOTIE Cont. The Matching Grant Facility Manager Firm has thus been appointed and activities are well in progress. The scheme is to be launched on 27 th December The call for proposal for the Matching Grant will begin in earnest in January, The project is also supporting the tourism sector by supporting the transformation of the Hotel school to a Tourism Hospitality Institute, and Tourism marketing Committee through joint tourism promotions. 6. Industrial Development MOTIE is implementing UNIDO Country programme signed in December The Country Programme covers five main areas - Renewable Energy, Quality Infrastructure, Agro-industry, Institutional Capacity Building and Investment. 28-Oct-15 MOTIE9
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF MOTIE Cont. West African Quality Programme is supporting the quality infrastructure component and through this component support has been provided for the establishment of Gambia Standards Bureau and its metrology lab, three testing labs are strengthen and will attain international accreditation. Under the renewable energy component, funds have been secured under the GET Fund and is being implemented by Ministry of Energy. A national expert has been recruited to coordinate the implementation of the programme Three draft value chain project proposals for groundnuts, cashew and fishery sub sectors under the Agro-industry component has been formulated since June Through consultation in October 2011, IsDB has expressed interest in two of the three remaining components namely: Agro-industry and Industrial competitiveness components for 2012 and 2013 respectively. 28-Oct-15 MOTIE10
Way forward on MOTIE activities in PAGE MOTIE activities in PAGE centred on improving the competitiveness of the business environment to attract investment and strengthening of the quality infrastructure to improve standards. The MTP and the UNIDO Country Programme used to provide input into achieving these objectives in PAGE. Funding for MOTIE activities in PAGE expected from the GCP, EIF Trust Fund and Aid for Trade from The Gambia’s development partners and the Government of The Gambia. 28-Oct-15 MOTIE11
28-Oct Thank you MOTIE